Best Food To Eat Before Making Love For Better Performance


One of the areas where some couples have challenge in their relationship is the aspect of lovemaking. While some couples have a healthy intimacy history due to the activities that take place in their lives before lovemaking, others feel otherwise because of certain things that are missing in their lives. The difference lies in what they take or do before the act.

Inasmuch supplements can be taken before making out to boost performance during lovemaking, according to the results of medical research revealed by WebMD in a publication, the following foods can boost performance and enhance satisfaction when taken before intimacy,

1. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like mackerel, sardine, salmon among others contain his level of Omega-3s. Omega-3 is one of the components that makes healthy lovemaking possible.

Fatty fish. Source  WebMD)

2. Strawberries. They are high in Vitamin C irrespective of how they are packaged (whether dipped in chocolate or dressed with cream). They boost blood flow, ease stress as well as enhances drive for lovemaking.

3. Avocado. It contains Vitamin B6 plus healthy fats and fibre that are healthy for the heart to give extra energy when men having carnal knowledge of their partners.

Avocado. Source || WebMD

4. Watermelon. Aside the sweet taste it has, it contains large amount of amino acid known as citrulline. The citrulline is turned into arginine, a form of amino acid that aids the relaxation of the blood vessels. Medical experts added that, it does same work that Viagra perform to treat ED among men.


5. Pomegranates. According to medical history, aside pomegranate being known to be a fruit for fertility, it also perform the function of enhancing performance during lovemaking, not excluding the raising of the level of testosterone in men.

Pomegranates. Source WebMD

6. Spinach. Even though it may not appear attractive, it is a kind of vegetable that can boost one drive for intimacy. It contains magnesium which is a substance that can increase desire and satisfaction.

7. Tea or coffee. Coffee or tea is specially essential before lovemaking because of the high level of caffeine that it has. It is particularly helpful to men because, it makes them perform better during the act of intimacy.

Peter Obi And Yusuf Datti are excellent leaders


Peter Obi and Yusuf Datti possess exceptional and excellent leadership qualities. I strongly believe that their decision to contest in the 2023 presidential elections is a Divine orchestration.  These two fine gentlemen, without mincing words, will transform Nigeria, and reposition her amongst the comity of Nations.

Peter Obi has shown to the world, particularly to Nigerians, that leadership is about serving the people. Imagine, Obi is entering local canoe to identify with the flood victims without putting on any life jacket. Candidates from the so called big political parties can never try it. They will be afraid of their misdeeds hunting them. Besides, they are not even healthy in the first place so they will not even think in that direction.  Obi has made some people dreams to come true just by allowing them to touch him. In short, Obi will change the perception about leadership in this country. Obi and Datti have been sent to serve Nigeria like never before.

Obi and Datti are unique because ego, self-enrichment and abuse of power are not in their dictionary. These men are so selfless, humble, and forward-looking. They have succeeded in winning the hearts of millions around the world, including citizens of other countries.

Let's vote Peter Obi  for President of Nigeria.

Vote Bar Raymond Onyegu as Orumba South House of Assembly Candidate.

Vote Labour Party!

Ikemba Media

UK Newly Elected Prime Minister Performs Rituals At The Entrance Of Downing Street


A video of the newly elected United Kingdom prime minister, Rishi Sunak, performing a Hindu ritual at the entrance of Downing Street has sparked up reactions from netizens. 

Rishi Sunak, who is the first Hindu and the first person of colour to lead the UK, practiced the religious rites in respect of the Diwali, which is also known as the Festival of Lights.

 The Festival of Lights is a Hindu religious festival. It is considered one of the most important festivals within Hinduism.

 The festival which lasts five days is celebrated during the Hindu lunisolar months of Ashwayuja and Kartika. (between mid-October and mid-November).

It is usually celebrated with the dazzling display of light

In a video that surfaced online, Rishi Sunak, who is currently the UK prime minister, took to the entrance of Downing Street, London, which is the official residences and offices of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

He could be seen making lights to perform the rituals for the festival.

Some Nigerians have reacted to this video. Look at what they have to say about it in the screenshots below.



By Christian ABURIME 

The Governor of Anambra State, Professor Chukwuma Charles Soludo has described Fada Anthony Chiegboka as "Otimkpu Jesus".

The Governor stated this when he joined him to celebrate the glory of God upon his life at the thanksgiving mass which was held at St. Peter's Parish, Oko.

According to Mr Governor, celebrating 60 years of existence on Earth and 30 years of priesthood is simply greatness.

He recalled their early years when Fada Anthony told him he would like to go to the seminary. He stated that it sounded like a joke to him but fortunately so, his dreams came to reality.

"Today is a special day! I thank you immensely, celebrate with you and thank God for your life. It's my prayers that you live 120 years on Earth according to Genesis 6:3," Governor Soludo prayed.

"We are celebrating the beginning of mid-life and welcoming you to the second half. You have lived 60 years of impactful life as a priest of God.

"You have been a gift to Catholic life, Isuofia Community and Nigeria in general. May your life and services on Earth continually be productive.

"I will visit the erosion site at Oko after this mass. Each time, I speak about environment as the number one existential threat in the state.

"Anambra is the gully erosion state in Nigeria. The resources to solve this gully is beyond the capacity of the state government.

"The issue of gully erosion should be a national emergency, together with flooding in 7 local government areas presently submerged under water. Properties, livelihood and farmlands are largely affected by the flood menace.

"Sadly, roads are washed off completely! I have to admit that Anambra have a road crises. We are complaining of that, flood came and destroyed the roads that are already in a bad state.

"We are deploying every penny we have to ensure that in the first phase, we fix strategic roads in the state.

"There are parts of Anambra that have not seen 1 Km of tarred road. Anambra West is the only local government whose headquarters is not accessible but we are working on that. By the first quarter of next year, we will drive to Nzam.

"We are flagging off so many roads from Achina to Umuchu to Umunze, Nnewi South, Osumenyi, Ukpor to Ozubulu, Ihembosi etc.

"Onitsha is the largest city in the South East. We visited New Market Road, Abagana to Nimo. In Okpoko, one million people are trapped there but 14km of road construction is ongoing there.

"We are doing the strategic ones and doing all the unreached roads. Mmili John Ojoto and between Ogbunike and Ogidi, when rain falls, water floods the areas.

"The quality of roads we are delivering is such that Anambra have not had before. We are very strict with our budget due to financial constraints", Governor Soludo said.

He emphasized that so far, they have awarded 146km of roads and targeting 220km roads around the state.

"But we all have a personal responsibility! People block drainages, run off water to the street after building their houses. People should control water flow from their homes because this water flows to the roads and cut them off gradually causing gully erosion.

"All of us collectively have one contribution or the other. We must understand this fact to solve our environmental challenges.

He urged the Priests to teach the congregation that the gully erosion in the state are man made.

"The State Government will do the much they can within its capacity. We shall intervene but the people have their own personal responsibility.

"The Federal, State Government and the people have their own collective responsibility. If this is done, Nigeria will be well. 

Fada Anthony Chiegboka said as he is celebrating 30 years Priesthood, the Governor and his wife is also celebrating 30 years marriage anniversary.

He thanked the Governor and his wife for standing by him and being there throughout his life 5 years ago.

He also thanked the Federal Lawmaker, Sir Eric Kanayo and Senator Victor Umeh for also taking their time to celebrate with him, as well as the Traditional Ruler of Isuofia and other communities.

Fada Chiegboka acknowledged Mr Governor's vision for a liveable and prosperous homeland and his impact on road construction.

However, he condoled with him for the flood menace that is unsettling the state and prayed God to provide all the needed resources to fix Anambra and lift it to enviable heights.

Dignitaries in attendance are; Labour Party Senatorial Candidate Anambra Central, Sen Victor Umeh, Chief of Staff to the Governor, Mr Ernest Ezeajughi, APGA Candidate Orumba North and South Federal Constituency, Mr. Eric Kanayo Ezeh, TC Chairman Orumba North, Sir Ogo Ekwueme, Chief of Protocol, Chinedu Nwoye Glamour amongst others.

2023 Election Will Be Different We Will Use A Strategy That'll Be Hidden From The Public Said Wike


During the Inauguration of the PDP's Governorship and Senatorial Campaign Council in Rivers State on Monday, 24th of October, 2022, the Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike revealed that the Campaign Council will be tasked with inventing the manner in which the Peoples Democratic Party's will campaign in the State.

 Governor Nyesom Wike explained that the 2023 general elections will be totally different from previous general elections and revealed that the PDP in Rivers State will apply a strategy in their campaigns, which will be kept away from the general public. He also elucidated that each Local Government Area of Rivers State, will have their separate campaign strategy, which would be made available to them at the appropriate time.

 Governor Nyesom Wike expressed annoyance that Rivers State has always voted in favour of the Peoples Democratic Party since the 1999 general elections, but have not been rewarded with any tangible project by the party. The Rivers State Governor further declared that any presidential candidate demanding for votes from Rivers State people, must first reveal his plans for Rivers State, before he can be assured of winning the State in the 2023 presidential election.

Philanthropy is not about the money


Philanthropy is not about the money, it's about using whatever resources you have at your disposal and applying them to better the society.

Chief Dr. Okelekwe Kodilichukwu, (Ubom Nibo) is an eminent personality that has engaged in philanthropy and humanness, supporting strategic initiatives targeted to help in addressing the challenges of the society. I don't think there is any person in Anambra state and beyond who is not aware of his selfless service to humanity.

Following his benevolence, I discovered that Ubom Nibo is a friend to both the rich and the poor. He has evidently affected his people positively in terms of societal and political development. His generosity is clearly showcased in his building and furnishing of several homes for the less privileged, payment of scholarship for various students across the state, amongst others.

Chief Okelekwe, has also through his leadership mentored and raised up young people to prominence in Nigeria. His unflinching determination to success has seen him invest so many resources in developing fine talents by equipping and empowering many youths with the necessary skill set to compete favourably at the global stage.

If elected a legislator, his catalytic approach to humanity will see him mobilize funds and resources across and beyond local systems to meet the various needs of his constituents. Undoubtedly, he will also apply his personal resources to compensate for gaps in government’s limited resources.

Hence, the clarion call from the people of Anambra Central to elect him to the Senate is centered on his impact in the welfare of the people. Indeed, Chief Okelekwe is one of the genius personality I have ever seen and his voice cannot be ignored.

Austine Canice Chimdumaga Jr 

Why Benzema’s Hand Bandage Emerged After Winning Ballon d’Or



Picture of Karim Benzema donning a gold bandage could become one of the most iconic football images of recent years.

Benzema took home the Ballon d’Or for the first time in his career after a truly magnificent year for Real Madrid. His winning goals in the round of 16, quarter-finals, and semi-finals of the Champions League helped drag Carlo Ancelotti’s side to their 14th triumph in the old competition.

The Frenchman also contributed a stunning 44 goals and 15 assists in all competitions for the Spanish giants, who also went on to win La Liga. However, one image that has also been synonymous with Benzema is the bandage on his right hand.

The 34-year-old always sports a white bandage on his hand every time he takes to the field. As has been the case with many other players, the football world has presumed superstitious reasons, motivate his decision to bandage his hand before every game.

However, the Frenchman is also protecting his hand from an injury that has hampered him on many occasions. During a fixture against Real Betis in January 2019, Benzema fell awkwardly onto his little finger

I Won't Be Surprised If Peter Obi Says He will Take Charge Of Defence Ministry


John Enenche

A retired Nigerian Army Major General, John Enenche has recounted how the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi dedicated his time to the security of Onitsha when he came in as governor of Anambra state.

Speaking in an interview, the retired army major General who was a Commanding Officer in Onitsha at the time Peter Obi was Anambra State governor, said the presidential candidate of the Labour Party was like the commissioner of Defence in Anambra state and that he won't be surprised if he decides to take control of the Ministry of Defence if elected as president come 2023.

Hear him," When there was a reprisal in Onitsha, everybody rushed into the barracks. He (Peter Obi) came and visited them physically, there was no discrimination between tribes or whatever, he was in touch 24/7. I won't even be surprised if he says look, he will take charge of Defence Ministry because he was like a Commissioner of Defence in Anambra state" 

Be warned! It is dangerous to switch on your GSM in the kitchen


Both husband and wife were in the kitchen. A call came, so as the man was answering the phone call the gas exploded. And both of them were roasted to death.

Be warned! It is dangerous to switch on your GSM in the kitchen while your cooking gas is on.

Share with others and save life.



Blood group O

Reduce the way you eat plantain! Please please and please, reduce your intake of plantain even if you like it. Why because, you are a general donor and the blood of People with Blood group O is usually light

Iron which is contained in plantain makes the blood light. The problem here is that the blood of a Blood group O person is light and constant intake of plantain (iron) will make the blood lighter thereby leaving you with no clotting factor.

Also as a Blood Group O

reduce your intake of wheat, corn. Continuous intake of wheat and corn as a Blood Group O person is exposing yourself to Diabetes.

The problem here as well is that our different blood groups contains different types of sugar. The food that is good for someone with Blood Group A might not be good for someone with a Blood Group B. When you eat a food that does not contain your type of sugar in your Blood group, your body will be looking for where to keep the sugar and the sugar will be converted into fats and will be stored in the liver.

When there is an excess of this sugar in the Liver or the liver is saturated diabetes starts this is because the remaining sugar in the body which can't be converted to fats begins to spread in the body. 

Blood Group B;

Excess consumption of beans is not good for someone with Blood Group B. There is a major difference between Carbohydrate molecules and that of protein which is Nitrogen. Continuous intake of foods that contain Nitrogen is not good for someone with Blood Group B. The Nitrogen goes to the kidney. Most of the patients in Dialysis Centres are those with the Blood Group B. 

As someone with Blood Group B, reduce your intake of garri, reduce your intake of Chicken. Infact avoid chicken!

Chicken contains an "Agglutinating Lectin" that can attack the bloodstream of someone with Blood Group B which causes immune disorders and Strokes. 

People with Blood Group O and Blood Group B, continuous consumption of cashew nuts and groundnuts is not ok for you.

People with Blood Group B, apart from Cashew nuts and groundnuts, they are ok.

But People with Blood Group O should avoid all nuts generally or have a minimal intake of nuts because nuts contain aflotoxins which the body of a person with Blood Group O cannot digest.

Nuts are generally ok for people with Blood Group A. One man's food is another man's poison. 

People with Blood Group O, avoid yoghurt or  reduce your intake of yoghurt. People with Blood Group A and Blood Group B, free yoghurt for you.

Milk is very good and contains calcium but it is not a good source of Calcium for someone with Blood Group O.

This is because a person with Blood Group O can't break down lactose. 

Some of the Hypertension & Diabetes found among People with Blood Group O is caused by milk.

Excessive intake of milk is not good for persons with Blood Group A and Blood Group B. 

Blood Group A;

Please reduce you general intake of meat especially cow meat!!! Cow meat exposes those with Bl Heart issues. Both Goat meat, Bush meat, and every other meat If you have Blood Group A, reduce your intake of meat whereas excessive intake of meat is very good and ok for persons with Blood Group O. 

Even ponmo as well, Blood Group A. If it's possible for you to avoid meat as a Blood Group A person, that will even be good.

Blood Group O, enjoy your meat. 

Blood Group A you should preferably eat Snail, turkey and Chicken (Poultry) but avoid meat from ram, cow, goat and the likes. 

Blood Group B, you're free to eat cow meat but it should be minimal. You're however free to eat ram & goat meat. It's very much ok for you. 

Also please reduce your consumption of Chicken (Poultry) and even tomato as well or if it's possible for you to avoid Chicken, that's fine. 

Chicken and tomato predisposes some with Blood Group B to a disease called Lupus. Lupus is a disease that occurs when your own body immune system attacks your tissues and organs. Lupus currently has no cure though the situation can be managed.

It must be emphasised the importance of the consumption of meat for someone with Blood Group O. Like it was said earlier, If you have Blood Group O continue eating meat. Any meat at all no matter your age. Atimes when People come of age, they reduce their intake of meat. This is however not for everybody. If you're Blood Group O and you're of age and you stop eating meat, you might have Arthritis.

This is because you're a proteinous person by nature and your body now lacks the building blocks of protein. 

If you're  and you feel you want to lose weight, you should quit eating bread, corn, pap, custard etc but not meat. 

Blood Group O are proteinous by nature Blood Group A are Vegetarians by nature.

Blood Group B are mainly the fruit and vegetables type 

Blood Group O you are very much free to eat garri but don't eat wheat. Even if you have diabetes it's ok


Blood Group B, reduce your intake of garri because garri can make someone with Blood Group B have diabetes. 

Irish potato is not good for someone with Blood Group O and Blood Group A. It is however ok for people with Blood Group B and Blood Group AB.

Sweet potato is good for persons with Blood Group O

People with Blood Group A

Please reduce your intake of yam be it cocoa yam, sweet yam etc. 

Blood Group AB;

People with Blood Group AB should focus on foods like seafood, dairy and green vegetables, egg.

People with *Blood Group AB* tend to have low stomach acids. They should avoid caffeine, alcohol, Corns, buckwheat, coconut, bananas, mangoes, whole milk and black tea. 

People with Blood Group AB can also take yoghurt, walnuts, millets, broccoli, plums and berries

In Conclusion, eat more natural foods and reduce your consumption of processed foods.

 BAY LEAVES - Yoruba name for it is "Ewe Bunkun". That is the Leaves Women and Caterers put in Jollof-Rice to flavour it and preserve it from souring.

***Many ladies add bay leaves to their foods, especially in the cooking of red meat and poultry. Many don't know why bay leaves are added to food!

When a woman was asked why, she said, "to flavor the food". If you boil the bay leaves in a glass of water and taste it, it will have no flavor.  So why do you put bay leaves in the meat or other food?

The addition of bay leaves to meat converts triglycerides to monounsaturated fats and, for experimentation and confirmation:

 Cut a chicken into two halves, cook each half in a separate pan and place on one a bay leaf, and cook the other without a bay leaf. Observe the amount of fat in both pans after cooking!

If you have bay leaves, there is no need for a pharmacy, as recent scientific studies have shown that bay leaves have many benefits:

They help to get rid of many serious health problems and illnesses.

The benefits of bay leaf: They - 

 Treat digestive disorders and help eliminate 

 1.  Lumps

 2.  Heartburn

 3.  Acidity

 4.  Constipation

Hot bay tea regulates bowel movements

   *lowers blood sugar

   *is an antioxidant,

▪by eating them, or by drinking bay tea for a month, the body is able to produce insulin 

▪eliminates bad cholesterol and relieves the body of triglycerides.

▪useful in treating colds, flu and severe coughs, as it is a rich source of vitamin "C". ▪you can boil the leaves and inhale steam to get rid of phlegm and reduce the severity of coughs.

▪protects the heart from seizures and strokes, as they contain cardiovascular protective compounds.

▪rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eigonol and bartolinide, substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body.

▪eliminates insomnia and anxiety. If taken before bed time, helps you relax and sleep peacefully.

▪drinking a cup of boiled bay leaves twice a day breaks down kidney stones and cures infections.

 ■Don't just read and leave in your in box. Forward to others for benefit! 

Obi-Datti Presidential Official Spokespersons;


Obi-Datti Presidential  Official Spokespersons;

1. Tanko Yinusa(Head), 

2. Nana Kazaure, 

3. Kenneth Okonkwo, 

4. Dele Farotimi, 

5.Ime Ufot, 

6. Ndi Kato.

This is huge!..


ASUU Strike Will Be Called Off In Days Senior Advocate of Nigerian, Femi Falana


 Senior Advocate of Nigerian, Femi Falana has expressed optimism that the lingering strike action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) will be called off in days and not weeks.

The Senior Advocate stated this at the book launch entitled Breaking Coconut With Your Head, by Lanre Arogundade on Monday in Lagos

He stated that it is likely that the strike will be concluded outside the courtroom.

ASUU Strike Will Be Called Off In Days ― Falana



(This important, take your time and read through please)

1. The ambition of the Muslims for Nigeria is to make Nigeria a permanent member of the Organisation of Islamic Countries for which it is yet to attain.

2. The reason why Nigeria is yet to attain permanent membership status is because to be a permanent membership country, it must have a 10 year unbreakable sitting Muslim presidents  which Nigeria has never had or a successive presidents which would have to pay dues to OIC for 10 consecutive years without breaking.

3. Gen Abacha successfully registered Nigeria as a provisional member of OIC in 1998 shortly before his demise. Gen Obasanjo's 8 years as president, he did not pay the OIC dues. It remained just 2 years for Nigeria to be struck out of the list of OIC.  Yar' Adua came in and paid for 2 years before his demise, but Jonathan did not pay for his 6 years reign. We can now see the reason 2015 was a fierce year of election. If Jonathan had won, by now the country would have been out of that list.

4. However, now, by 8 years of Bihari's  presidency, they only need 2 years of Muslim presidency or any stud that would be used to pay the remaining 2 years dues to get the 10 years at a stretch of payment- By voting a Muslim president in the next election you would be signing over the country to be  a permanent membership of Islamic Countries like Iran ,Iraq, Saudi , Niger etc .Handing  over your children to an Organization in which they will not be allowed to practice their faith as Christians. The persecution you see now will be a child's play to what will happen. 

5. Remember, Nigerian govt would then have the legal ground to establish and enforce Shari'a law in the country. Already, looking at the judiciary now, you can see the move towards that because majority of them are Muslims (if not over 85% already). Also look at the first 10 key posts in the Nigeria's political ecosystem, how many are Christians?

6. This is no longer news that the Islamic Fulanis are already saturating the West and the East in preparation of their mission. The laws guiding Nigeria's land and water resources are been changed and/or under going pressure to be changed by Buhari government. In addition,  if this succeed, once Fulanis are able to live in the West or in the East for 10 years, they would then have legal ground to claim that land as theirs even though they are from the North.

7. Like Mordecai told Esther , if you don't risk your life for GOD's people thinking you are safe then Salvation will arise for GOD's people  and you and your father's house will not be saved . 

In the 80s when Buhari with Idiagbon took over govt of  Nigeria, there was such pressure to enlist Nigeria to the  Organisation of Islamic Countries; as a teenager then; we held intense prayers because we could not vote them out since it was military regime; there was no voting. So the only option opened to us was the govt to be overthrown and THE GOOD LORD harkened to us and took them out. It may surprise you that this issue of OIC started with the regime of Murtala Mohammed when Chief MKO Abiola first sold the idea to the govt then. The devil is never tired it's you the children of the Kingdom that are often tired. And it's now obvious to you why God disallowed Abiola from becoming the President in 1993.

8. However now there are  options available to us just like voting and voicing out our resistance in addition to prayer. 

9. The two popular political parties in the country are head or tail of the same coin. He that hath hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

Prayer is efficacious, potent and powerful. Let us pray sincerely and let us play our roles as well.

I'm contributing my own not as cowards, sycophants or pretenders. So I'm demonstrating my courage by encouraging you to arise and fight the good  fight of faith as the Bible say 'show me your faith and I will show you my faith by my works... (voting speaks out when the results are out and supporting also that which would support your faith would also have results). 

Where is your stand? 

This is not a regional battle or tribal battle but the Kingdom of God against that of the devil.


 Not taking decision at all is a decision against the right decision and not voting at all is voting against the right candidate






Hmm, be wise or cry tomorrow & forever.

They are all out to actualize this, their Movement is more than just fixing NIGERIA. But  Establishing their KINGDOM by taking over it.

Be blessed


Supporter dies after police and fans clash outside stadium


 Argentinian football was in shock after a supporter died as clashes between police and fans caused the match between Gimnasia and Boca Juniors to be abandoned.

The game at the Juan Carmelo Zerillo Stadium in La Plata was attended solely by Gimnasia supporters, due to a ban on away fans, and it was widely reported police closed entrances due to concerns about overcrowding.

Tear gas was fired, and this seeped into the stadium. A 57-year-old fan, who was named as Cesar Gustavo Regueiro, died after a suspected heart problem.

Buenos Aires minister of security Sergio Berni was quoted in local media as saying Gimnasia had over-sold tickets for the stadium, which the club denied.

Berni told TyCSports: "No one wants to be responsible for this and that is why everything ends up falling to the police."

Boca Juniors expressed "regret" over the death, appealing for "a profound call for reflection".

Referee Hernan Mastrangelo suspended the match after nine minutes of the first half, with the Liga Profesional de Futbol saying it would be rescheduled to a future date.

Gimnasia stated: "We will demand that what happened be investigated until those responsible for this tragic day are known.

"Our club complied with the protocols established by the security agencies. There was no overselling tickets and the behaviour of our partners and fans was correct."

The club added in a further statement that it "repudiates the excessive actions of the security forces at the entrance and surroundings" of the stadium.

Referee Mastrangelo told TyC Sports: "I spoke with the players in the locker room to find out how they were and several told me that they were very worried about their relatives who were in the stadium.

"At no time did we have the physical integrity to continue the match since the air was unbreathable. This is the first time something similar has happened to me. It is a situation that makes us all very sad."

The Argentinian Football Association said: "The AFA, with president Claudio Tapia at its head, mourns the death of Cesar Gustavo Regueiro, a supporter of the Gimnasia club, and sends its condolences to family and loved ones."

The incident comes less than a week on from well over 100 people dying in a stampede at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Indonesia.

Manchester City are already working on a new deal that would void Erling Haaland's


Manchester City are already working on a new deal that would void Erling Haaland's reported release clause, according to Mundo Deportivo. 

A swap deal between Chelsea and AC Milan involving Rafael Leao could take place in the summer, reports Calciomercato, with the Italian side interested in Christian Pulisic and Callum Hudson-Odoi.

Bild report that the race for Ajax star Mohammed Kudus is heating up, with Tottenham and Everton two clubs keen on signing the 22-year-old.

High Court Pospone IPOB Leader Nnamdi Case To October 27th


We all can remember that the case between the Federal government and the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) Nnamdi Kanu is not yet over, with trials still going on while he remains in the Department Of Security Service (DSS) office. 

However, according to the latest reports from Sahara Reports, the Federal High Court in Umuahi, Abia State has currently adjourned the case of Kanu to October 27 for judgment.

The court which presided over by Justice Evelyn on Tuesday the 4th day of October adjourned the ruling till the 27th day of October 2022, on Nnamdi Kanu's eight-point application filed against the Federal government's attack in his hometown and the arrest from Kenya. Sahara Reports has revealed that the proscribed leader of IPOB is asking the Federal government of Nigeria to pay him 25million Naira for damages.

It was also reported that the Special Counsel to Nnamdi Kanu Barr. Ejimakor brought the UN's request of unconditional release to the court's attention. "Until the respondents provide a warrant of extradition or arrest, detaining Kanu remains illegal and unconstitutional." Ejimakor said.

The Vice Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, LP, Datti Baba-Ahmed


The Vice presidential candidate of the Labour Party, LP, Datti Baba-Ahmed while interacting with a journalist on the Channels Television's Political Paradigm said that he went up against some people who claimed that the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, LP, Peter Obi is a religious bigot. Datti Ahmed said,

"When I joined Peter's ticket, I run into a brick wall. craftily brick by brick, I disassembled that brick wall, behind it was very tough soil. I have softing the ground. In my pocket, i have very strong seeds that I'm planting those seeds and they are growing very fast in the north, and that seeds that I'm planting are those of awareness. I'm in the business of creating awareness. That is education before wild allegations against my principal, all I need to do was to turn the barrel against the fire of the arms.

"There is not even a single picture in the whole of Nigeria, not a single one even with some reward, that they can show you of anybody made to an ID card? Come on, not even a single record in any morgue, or police station. Not a picture of any mosque which was destroyed. I was so diligent I haven't had those big, big allegations. I went round. had people go around. Can I just have one evidence to the fact of this? None. So I broke that record.

"I became a victim along the way to the extent that some people tried to set me up against powerful religious bodies, but of course, By Allah's grace, it failed. When I stated that, I simply want to be known as a Nigerian in the context of 2023 Elections, a very proud, respectful, decent Muslim, Hausa - Fulani, that I am done everything for my I can do for my religion. Yet because some people think they have their ways with propaganda felt could set me up against I suffered, everybody failed. In the same way. Those allegations against Peter failed.




There were expressions of joy and chants of Solution by the good people of Umuomaku, a small and quiet community in Orumba South LGA of Anambra State as Chief Livinus Ezenwa emerged the new traditional ruler of the community via the efforts of devoted and selfless stakeholders in collaboration with constituted government authorities from the State Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs.

Chief Ezenwa emerged the Igwe-elect through a keenly contested election that was held on Saturday, 24th September, 2022 at the community field. The election which was adjudged free and fair by the indigenes was conducted through the Option A4 democratic process. All the people (both male and female) of Umuomaku, including the youths from 18 years of age and the elders trouped out en masse to exercise their traditional rights in a conducive and secured environment.

Umuomaku is a community that has been experiencing leadership crisis that left them without a President General and a Traditional Ruler, no Woman Leader nor Youth Leader, nor any form of leadership structure for years, while a group of local buccaneers and overlords had a swirl time enjoying established self serving anarchy and lawlessness before Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo came on board with Anambra Solution which one of his agenda is to resolve all the pending and ongoing crisis to ensure absolute tranquility, peace and unity in the various communities of Anambra State. 

Mr. Commissioner, Hon. Tonycollins Nwabunwanne of Ministry of Local Government, Chieftaincy and Community Affairs acting for Governor Soludo had held series of meetings and consultations with the good people of Umuomaku to make sure that power is returned to the people in earnest. 

To the glory of God, the long lost peace has fully returned in Umuomaku as chosen by the people against the predictions and manipulations of some bad eggs. 

The Special Assistant to the Governor on Special Duties, Chief Michael Nweke Okechukwu (Akaeze Igbakwu) who was part of the whole processes that brought a lasting peace in the community observed and monitored the electoral process to ensure everyone got a fair treatment in a free and transparent peoples election. 

Governor Soludo is determined to build a livable and prosperous homeland with peace and security of lives and properties as a top priority on his agenda. Bring any problem or leadership tussle in your community to Mr. Commissioner and you will be glad you did.

When we have a righteous government in Anambra State, the people rejoice!

To God be The Glory!! 

Congratulations to Umuomaku Community!

Congratulations to Chief Livinus Ezenwa!!

Congratulations to Mr. Governor and Mr. Commissioner!!!

-- _Harris Nwabueze;_ 

 _Awka, Anambra State._

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