lawmaker threw a microphone at the Minister of State for Labour and Employment,

A yet to be identified lawmaker threw a microphone at the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Mr Festus Keyamo during a meeting with members of the Senate and House of Representatives Joint Committee on Labour on Tuesday.

The lawmakers invited Keyamo to provide details of the Special Public Works Programme where 774,000 people would be recruited by the Federal Government under the National Directorate of Employment (NDE).

During the meeting which was held at the National Assembly in Abuja, members of the Senate and House of Representatives Joint Committee on Labour sought to find out the method of selection of a 20-man committee from each state for the programme.

A heated argument ensued between committee members and Keyamo over who should head the programme which was to be domiciled under the NDE when a lawmaker threw the microphone at the Labour Minister.

As the argument continued, the lawmakers decided to go into a closed-door session to discuss the matter, but the minister refused, insisting that further discussions be held in the presence of journalists.

This enraged the lawmakers who told Keyamo to apologise to the committee, but he ignored them.

Thereafter, the minister was asked to leave the meeting since he refused to apologise to the committee members.

The lawmakers claimed that Keyamo has no right to direct the committee on how to conduct its proceedings.

This comes a day after the minister inaugurated a 20-man committee in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) by virtual means.

According to him, 1,000 persons would be selected from each of the 774 local government areas in the country to be engaged by the government in the Special Public Works Programme.

Second Time Lockdown, Federal Government Extends Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Lockdown for Another four (4) Weeks.

Only a Blind and Deaf Nigerian will say that he or she hasn’t heard or seen that the number of coronavirus Cases has increased drastically ever since President Muhammadu Buhari eased the lockdown. It is important however to note that it is most severe in some States than others.

As a result of this, if government is going to place a restriction or considering another lockdown, then it should be on the states with the highest and increasing number of coronavirus Cases. So, in this article you are going to see the states that should be put on Total Lockdown in July from my own opinion and jurisdiction.

Below are the 10 States That Should be Put on Total Lockdown in July;

  1. Lagos State – this is because it is currently topping the list when it comes to the number of cases in the country with 259 cases.
  2. Oyo state – this is another state that should be put on a Total Lockdown without movement as it is second on the list with 76 cases.
  3. Katsina – 69
  4. Delta – 66
  5. Rivers – 46
  6. Ogun – 23
  7. Edo – 22
  8. Osun – 22
  9. Ebonyi – 21
  10. FCT – 20

These are the 10 states in Nigeria that Should be Put on lockdown in July for the safety of the masses. The increase in cases only point to the fact that the states aren’t following the laid down directives strictly.

BREAKING: Federal Government Extends Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Lockdown for Another four (4) Weeks.


Federal Government Extends Phase 2 of the COVID-19Lockdown for Another four (4) Weeks.

  Curfew is still from 10pm - 4am

  Wearing of Facial Mask is still Compulsory for everyone

   Domestic Flight are to resume Immediately.

   InterState Travelling will resume 1st July, 2020.
Vehicles must be filled at 50%.
And all Passengers must put on Face Mask.

    Funerals & Wedding Gathering Should not be more than 20 persons (Including family members).

    Churches and Mosques activities will remain as it was in Phase 2

   School are to remain shut, but those who are eligible for promotional class will be allowed to sit for the exam (ie Students preparing for Common entrance, Student preparing for Junior Waec and Students preparing for WAEC

   Restriction on Sport and Recreational Activity is still in Operation.

   Banks Financial Institutions are to continue their normal Operation as allowed in Phase 2

    Eighteen (18) Local Government Areas in Nigeria account for 60% of COVID-19 cases and those Local Government Areas have to be locked down to contain the spread of the Pandemic in the country.

The precision lockdown would be implemented by the Governors of the States where the 18 Local Governments Reside.

 PTF Chairman On COVID-19, Boss Mustapha

May God Help 

Never Date These 5 Types Of Man,Dating is a very good learning experience

Dating is a very good learning experiece. You find out what you like and don’t like in potential mates, and you also get to know a lot about yourself. The search for love can be frustrating, though, and sometimes, you'll find yourself wanting to overlook certain qualities in order to finally end the search. But, as someone who has dated my fair share of men, trust me when I say that none of the following types are worth putting up with.

Some of these may seem very obvious, but even the smartest of women sometimes gloss over the red flags:


When you first meet a guy like this, you feel so lucky to have found someone creative, interesting and smart. He is on his best behavior, but because past friends and lovers have told him his drinking is sometimes problematic, he keeps it to a minimum around you. Once he gets comfortable, though, he allows himself to get drunk because he just wants to have fun like everyone else. That’s when the monster comes out. Suddenly, this guy is spewing the most hateful, nastiest things you’ve ever heard. He doesn’t even seem like the same person. He becomes like a petulant child who you feel the need to babysit, and his behaviors become dangerous and erratic. He gets into fights, throws things and refuses to listen to anyone. It’s frustrating and confusing because this guy is so normal and cool when he’s sober. But, this is all evidence of some deep and major issues with which he has clearly not dealt. I know what it’s like to want to try and fix this broken person, but it’s not worth your patience and sanity. He has to deal with it on his own.


The Alcoholic is very different from the Jekyll-and-Hyde Drunk. The Alcoholic is a person who usually keeps it together and rarely acts irrationally. But, this is because he is always self-medicating. His issues emerge when he's sober, so he would rather just block that all out and numb anything that resembles feelings. You wonder if you’ve ever hung out with him when he's sober. Sometimes, you don’t even notice his drinking because it’s so normal for him. He rarely drives anywhere and always wants to end the night at his place so he can have one more (or five more) cocktails from his own stash. These people never have clear heads, so you can never be sure who they are. Nothing ever gets too real, deep or personal. You try to suggest sober activities, but they don’t usually seem interested.

Alcoholics don’t really want to engage with you in the light of day, without the comfort of their drinks.


This type of guy is someone you hooked up with while he was in a relationship. He insisted they were “on a break,” or things were so bad with his girlfriend that they were definitely breaking up anyway, so it was fine. You knew it was wrong and you didn’t want to do it, but your heart just couldn’t help it. He was just so charming and enamored with you. Once this guy gets you hooked, you think you're the right person for him, and he and his ex were wrong for each other. You were both attracted to each other by the universe and it was meant to be. Get real. He's probably going to cheat on you, too. Sorry. Why would he act differently with other girls? He sees something he wants and he goes after it. Right and wrong don’t mean much to him — only personal gain and pleasure. If he gets caught, he has at least five excuses in his back pocket he can use on you. This guy probably not only cheats with women, but in life, too. He probably cheats on tests, steals other people’s ideas and does whatever he needs to to get ahead at work. He is usually very smart and calculating; a smooth talker who gets what he wants by charming his way out of any sort of discipline. He's constantly making excuses for his behavior. Proceed at your own risk.


This guy constantly makes you feel bad about everything: what you’re wearing, how much makeup you have on, how you do your hair, what you eat, etc. He belittles your intelligence and questions every idea you have. He doesn’t support what you do and makes snide comments about it regularly. He gets jealous frequently, always wants to know where you are and what you’re doing. He’s probably also a misogynist, though he would obviously never admit it.

I have never dated this type because there is no way in hell I could put up with someone doing that to me all the time — but my friends have. Their boyfriends made them feel so small and insignificant that they ended up changing so many of their unique qualities just for this assh*le. The most extreme version of The Controller is someone who is abusive. It's a no-brainer to avoid this guy, but some women get in too deep before they even realize he is capable of such an atrocity. You have to constantly pay attention to how any potential lover treats other people. Is he mean to waiters or customer service reps? Is he abusive to animals? Is he hypercritical of everyone around him? Those are signs of a controlling person.


This is a guy to avoid, but he's less egregious than the others. Still, he will emotionally ruin you. This guy usually has it all together; he's mature and wise. He treats you very well and loves spending time with you. And, you want so badly for that to be enough, but you are constantly craving more. It’s like pulling teeth to get him to talk about the future. He’s happy where you both are, so why would he want to ruin that? He would never talk about moving in together or marriage seriously, even after more than a year of dating.

He just likes to cruise along and have someone to spend time with when he wants it; other than that, your lives are pretty separate. He is Mr. Big. If you are the most patient person on the planet and you are not at all looking for something that has the potential to last forever, then go ahead and be with this guy. If you are afraid of commitment, as well, he could be a perfect match for you. But, for anyone else, this is definitely a type of guy to avoid. They may seem very hard to come by, but there are many great men out there, so never allow yourself to fall for one of the bad ones.

Life is too short to put up with all that.



By Dr Kenneth Anozie

The race for _Agu Awka_ is gradually picking steam. Interests are rising and Stakeholders in the Anambra State Political Project are making strategic moves, while Aspirants from various parties are springing up in droves. 

APGA has held the key to _Agu Awka_ now for close to 15 years and by the time the incumbent would have completed his tenure in 2022, the party would have been in office for good 16 years, with pockets of _interrugnums_. 

PDP is always the party to beat in Anambra State. Despite losing the seat of power in 2015 at Abuja, the party has remained resilient in Anambra State, winning elections in every round of vote across the State. 

Today, PDP holds 2 Senatorial District Seats and 6 HoR seats. Also, 6 House of Assembly Seats in Anambra belong to PDP. 

Proper analysis of the party preference for voters in Anambra State will always show that PDP dominates in the ~choice~ hearts of _Ndi Anambra._ 

PDP controls about 58% of votes.
APC controls about 8% votes, while APGA controls about 30% votes in Anambra. What happens most of the time is that PDP voters react to the choices of the Candidates PDP presents during elections and vote according to their personal or collective perception about that particular candidate. This has always been the problem. It is PDP that gives victory to other parties through very costly mistakes bothering on choice of candidates.

Now, let's break it down

 In the 2019 election, PDP dominated the Federal elections; Presidential, Senate, and House of Representatives. Many believe that the 600+ votes "allocated" to PDP in Anambra in the 2019 Presidential election was far below what the Party merited. Many also believe that PDP was entitled to something like 1.2 million votes. The anger of _Ndi Igbo_ was quite palpable, coupled with the Party's choice of Vice Presidential Candidate in the person of Gov. Peter Obi. 

Senators Uche Ekwunife and Stella Odua easily brushed past their opponents winning landslide in their respective Districts. Why did Chief Chris Uba lose his own despite the wave of PDP dominance in the elections then? The simple answer is the choice of the person. Loyal PDP voters still vote for their party, but most undecided voters choose other persons and parties. 

This scenario is what PDP must avoid in the 2021 race for Agu Awka. A winnable Candidate must be fielded to avoid a backlash

From all indices emanating from the Anambra electorate, they are at home with the aspirants they are home with. That is to say, "the devil we know may be more acceptable than the Angel we don't know"!

The PDP Delegates have a moral burden not to disappoint the electorate by ensuring that they choose someone that will easily brush aside anyone APGA or any other Party may present. 

  No doubt, YPP and APC are in contention in this election, but their story or extent of success still depends on who PDP presents.* 

Now, the PDP has five formidable aspirants, based on their Network, Networth, acceptability and Past Records;

1. Iyom Senator Uche Ekwunife
2. Hon Chris Azubogu
3 Dr Obiora Okonkwo
4. Dr Godwin Maduka
5. Mr Val Ozigbo

These are the top five. Also we have the following who are no pushovers, but I may refer to them as underdogs;

Mr Godwin Ezeemo, Chief Ugochukwu Okeke, 
Bar Oligbo, 
Hon Chuma Nzeribe, and others who may yet declare. 

The strengths of all the above Aspirants will be discussed in detail subsequently, but suffice it to say that from the look of things, *one of the aspirants have pulled up as a front runner, undisputably;* Distinguished Senator Uche Ekwunife, (Iyom), Adaugo Igboukwu, Anyanwu Nri Kingdom.

First her records;


1. Distribution of 22 pieces of Tricycles to youths, June 2019
2. Skills Acquisition Training for Youths in partnership with NDE and the New Partnership for African Development, NEPAD Nigeria, June 2019
3.  Distribution of another 44 pieces of Tricycles, July 2019
4. Medical Outreach programme in the 58 communities of Anambra Central Senatorial District, December 2019
5. Distribution of Educational Materials to 151 primary and secondary schools in Anambra Central Senatorial District, February 2020
6. ICT training for Youths and the distribution of 50 HP laptop computers to participants, February 2020
7. Facilitation of one month Special Engineering Training for 5 young engineers from Anambra Central Senatorial District at the Scientific Equipment Development Institute. (SEDI), Enugu, February 2020
8. Distribution of another batch of 22 pieces of Tricycles, February 2020.
9. Distribution of different kinds of Covid-19 Palliative Materials (Food items, Protective Items & Cash Support) to over 113 Communities within Anambra Central. April 2020

1. National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019
2. Public Procurement (Amendment) Bill, 2019
3. Penal Code Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019
4. Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill, 2019
5. 1999 Constitution (Alteration) Bill, 2019
6. Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute Establishment Bill, 2020
7. National Biosafety Management Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020
8. Energy Commission of Nigeria (Amendment Act) Bill 2020.
9. Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps Act. (Amendment) Bill 2020
10. National Emergency Maintenance Agency (Amendment Act) 2019.
11. National Broadcasting Commission (Amendment Bill) 2020
12. Establishment Quarantine Centre in All States. (Amendment Bill) 2020
13. Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (Amendment Act). 2020.
14. Ecological Fund Office (Amendment Bill).
15. Constitution Amendment on Local Government Autonomy Bill. 2020

1. Motion of urgent national importance on the devastating storm in Obosi, Nkpor and Oraukwu communities of Anambra State
2.  Motion on the Proliferation of Fake Medical Reports from Public Hospitals in Nigeria.
3. Motion on Digitization/Automation of Collection and Remittance on Withholding Tax on Bank Deposits and Dividends Payments for an Enhanced Internally Generated Revenue
4. Motion on the need to complete the abandoned Greater Awka Water Scheme by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources.
5. Motion on Present status of 5th Generation (5G) Network in Nigeria.
6. Motion on the fire incident at ochanja market and upper iweka area of Onitsha Anambra State.
7. Motion on Fire Outbreak at Old Motor spare parts Market (Mgbuka Market)Obosi Anambra State.
8. Motion on United States imposition of visa ban on Nigeria.
9. Motion on the need to appoint more Justices to fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court on Nigeria.
10. Motion on fire outbreak at building Material Market Ogidi and Loretto Special Science School Adazi-Nnukwu.
11. Motion on the need to prioritize small and medium enterprises in the Federal Government’s Covid-19 Interventions.
12. Motion on death of a Nigerian Ph.D. Student in Malaysia on July, 2019.
13. Motion for National Recognition of Prof. Humphrey Nwosu for his role in making June, 12 our New Democracy Day.
14. Motion on the need to celebrate our children and to look into their welfare
15. Motion on the very urgent need to undertake Emergency Maintenance Repairs on Federal Highways in various parts of the country before the rainy season sets in.

1. Contribution against the non-inclusion of South East on the Board of the Nigerian Communications Commission
2. Contributions on the need for the Federal government to alleviate the sufferings of the victims of fire disaster at Ochanja market, Onitsha.
3. Contributions on the hardship citizens faced over the existence of numerous road blocks on Nigerian roads, and the unprofessional conduct of most security officers.
4. Contributions on the need to strengthen the security at all Airports in the country, and the needs for politicians and their aides to subject themselves to security checks.
5. She has contributed so much in developing and encouraging made in Nigeria products, as at today she is the only Senator among the 109 members using a made in Nigeria (INNOSON _Ikenga)car as her official car.

Senator Uche Ekwunife has so far facilitated employment for eighty (85) graduates in the last one year.

The above achievements are in no way exhaustive, but we can hold on to this to further elucidate why her choice by the party will trigger massive votes for PDP towards _Agu Awka_ in 2021. 

Political Activities

 Recently, Iyom Senator Uche Ekwunife engaged all the critical Stakeholders, Delegates from the Wards to the State in a crucial interactive meetings where she marshalled in unmistakable, audacious ways, how her choice can bring victory to PDP in 2021. She never in all her speeches castigated any of her fellow aspirants, but rather poured great encomiums on all of them for their contributions to the Party, their accomplishments in life, and for their support to the people of Anambra State. 

As a woman that she is, she knows the value of encouragement. And she, no doubt extended a hand of fellowship to all the aspirants so they can unite and get what is due to the party for the benefit of _Ndi Anambra_, and further development of the State. Iyom knows how to win elections. She has won four, and once made a very big and bold dash for the Governorship in 2010. 

Let me say this; the three factors that will bring victory to Iyom are;

1. The power of Divinity, God Factor
2. The ability to deploy her feminity with astounding dexirity in the mobilization of both female and male voters
3. Her unparalleled accomplishments and empowerment schemes, plus her records

Everyone will not be a Govenor at the same time. It is _turn by turn._ No doubt, this season belongs to Iyom, and all we as Ndi Anambra can do is to allow her use it for the further development of Anambra State. 


PUT ON THE LIGHT One day I visited a friend of mine,Thomas Okefor FOR OTHERS TO SEE.


"One day I visited a friend of mine,Thomas Okefor who is blind. And because it was night he did something that taught me a lot.

Upon entering the house, Thomas switched on the light.
And I asked him "Thomas, why did you put on the light yet you can't see?"...Thomas laughed for a long time, switched off the light and went to the kitchen, after a short while he came with a pot of tea and eggs, placed them perfectly well on the table and switched on the light again

What Thomas said made me shed tears because he said to me, Ogartaks  ! ...... I did not put on the light for my own sake or because I needed it, I did it for you because you needed it since you are not blind like me". 

    Then he asked me, "Ojong!! How many times have you switched off the light for other people and denied them an opportunity to see light just because you yourself do not need it?". I thought about that so deeply

I ask you the same question today, How many times have you put off your lights and denied others an opportunity to see the light while they are in darkness???

    Why would you let your accounts grow to millions while your brother's child is going barefooted?

     Why would you put clothes you don't wear in the bin while someone out there is almost going naked?

     Why would food rot in your house while there is someone out there sleeping hungry?

    Why will you see a business opportunity and hide it without sharing with your friends when you know you wont use it?

    Why will you be in a position to help someone get promotion or a new job and you keep it because the person is not from your family, tribe or religion?

   Why will you defame your brother or sister just because you don't want someone to help them?

  Each of The Questions Above Is Equivalent To Switching Off The Light!.

These are the things we should be mindful of as Humans.

 Let's start focusing on what pleases Our Creator And Humanity. This is true religion, helping the needy and being there for those who do not have a voice.


Read How Fraudsters Hacking People Account

Somebody called me with this phone number
07060714545 telling me he was doing some
registration online and he mistakenly put my
number on what he was registering, that my
number is similar to his number and that the
password of what he was registering was sent
to my phone which I actually saw as 6310.
He was now appealing to me to give him the
reset code that was sent to my phone so that
he could finish his registration. I told him to
call me with the number he claimed was
similar to mine so that I could verify his
claim, he told me he didn't have credit in that
I got online to find out more, only to discover
he was actually trying to reset my bank
online/yahoomail password and that he is a
fraudster, an account hacker and also a 419er.

If I had given him the code which was sent to
my phone, he would have used it to reset my
bank online/mobile app account.
Please let us be careful and vigilant.
Fraudsters are devising new ways every day.
This is a new way of defrauding people...
Share to prevent others from being defrauded.
    I care............please beware sent as received.


Kalu salute courageous fathers on this year’s father’s day, tasks them on nation building.

Kalu salute courageous fathers on this year’s father’s day, tasks them on nation building.

On the occasion of this year’s father’s day,  a Chieftain of the People’s Democratic Party(PDP), Dr Emeka Kalu has congratulated fathers all over the world on this year’s father’s day.

In his father’s day message signed by him, Kalu described fatherhood as a thing of joy. He singled out those who exemplified the key responsibilities of fatherhood as courageous.

The former APGA Gubernatorial aspirant, quoted, The family: A Proclamation to the World, reminding fathers their some of their duties to the family.

“As an important part of His plan of happiness, Heavenly Father has appointed men to become husbands and fathers. This lesson focuses on their responsibilities: “By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families” 

The Director General of Atikulated Campaign Group Worldwide further tasks Nigerian men on nation building, he said, the task of building a better Nigeria should be propagated by men of goodwill to secure the future of the masses and generations unborn.

“I congratulate all men of goodwill on the auspicious occasion of this year’s Father’s Day. Indeed, it’s a thing of joy to be a father.

We must rise up to the occasion of defending what’s left for our children as a nation and, that’s nation building.

There’s a deep gap between our leaders and followers; it’s in our place to bridge the gap for a prosperous nation. The task of nation building should be our responsibility. Therefore, I urge all men of goodwill to defend what we have as nation to make Nigeria a better place.”

Kalu, who is also the Director General of Global Initiative for Good Governance(GIGG), further urged the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to invest heavily in the public health sector to increase the life expectancy rate of Nigerians which is one of the lowest in the world according to World Health Organisation. He said the failure of the APC government in all sectors has become embarrassing.

“While I wish fathers good health and long life, the federal government needs to invest in our health sector. Our life expectancy rate is one of the lowest in the world with about 55% for men.”

“We cannot progress effectively as a nation with the kind of health system we have now. Our health care system should be properly funded to save lives”.

Biafra realization: We are not bordered by activities of saboteurs – Nnamdi Kanu

Biafra realization: We are not bordered by activities of saboteurs – Nnamdi Kanu

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Sunday said he and his pro Biafra group are not bothered by the activities of saboteurs and traitors working against the Biafra realization.Mazi Kanu, in a statement made available through IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, said that to him and IPOB, the treachery and activities of such people are irrelevant, inconsequential, adding that their activities strengthens him and his group.

The IPOB leader also said the group will never build bridges with saboteurs and traitors, adding that those who sabotage the sacred project of IPOB, will be kicked out of the family forever.

He said, there is no forgiveness, no pardon, no pity, no diplomacy, no bridge building with such traitors, adding that any one kicked out of IPOB will remain out forever.Mazi Kanu, statement read, “We do not appeal or build bridges with saboteurs and traitors. To us they are as irrelevant and inconsequential as Yoro e-rats on N3,000 data stipend a week, their saboteurs activities and treachery strengthens us.”

“If you sabotage the sacred project of IPOB you will be kicked out of the family, you will be shredded and destroyed and sometimes worse things will happen to you if we catch you.

“There is no forgiveness, no pardon, no pity, no diplomacy, no bridge building. Once you are out, you are an outcast forever.“Form as many useless pro-Biafra groups as you like with help of DSS or Ohaneze Ndi Oshi, gossip as much as you like with your multiple fake accounts, you will never be allowed back.“We allow petty saboteurs to keep coming forward because it makes it easier for us to destroy them.

“The more dangerous ones are those in our midst pretending but working for the enemy.Any IPOB appealling to online traitors to stop hating Kanu and IPOB is mentally weak.

“IPOB was forged in the heat of battle and purified in the furnace ceaseless confrontation for 8 years. Bridge building with traitors is for the confused and unfocussed.

“We are IPOB, we conquer and subdue our enemies with overwhelming evidence and incontrovertible proof. We drown them in the pool of truth.

“We love trouble, enmity and confrontation because we believe and know that enemies within and without are good for us the same way a good immune system can only be built by the body confronting viruses and bacteria on a regular basis.“We are arrogant yes! Because IPOB is the best there is in the whole world. An unarmed group that broke a country with nothing but truth.

“If as a front line activist you mistakenly think that our love and praise of your work for Biafra means we are gullible and can be divided, then we show you who we are.

“Any day you step out of line, you are toast, we would sink you because many have died, imprisoned and tortured for this Biafra.We are like the Vulture, we have no friends, we have no enemies. We only love those that pursue Biafra in truth and honesty. Once you deviate, then its bye bye, no matter who you think you are.”



For some days now, I've watched with dismay as Chief Victor Umeh and his cronies attempt to draw up some myopic comparison between the Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Distinguished Senator Uche Ekwunife and Chief Victor Umeh, and I ask, on what basis should anyone compare a proven performer like Senator Uche Ekwunife with an average politician whose umerited stay in the Senate was full of controversies and below par performances?

I find it completely shocking that Chief Umeh and his internet thugs are parading mediocre projects and legislative works online, in an attempt to compare the ineffective and uninspiring representation Ndi Anambra Central experienced during Mr. Umeh's unfortunate entrance and stay in the Nigerian Senate albeit through the back door.

In a poorly concocted and highly unintelligent article entitled, ANAMBRA CENTRAL ONCE HAD A SENATOR, Victor Umeh's untrained media aides struggled without success to revive a product already rejected by the entire SEVEN local governments that make up Anambra Central Senatorial District.


In a sad display of ignorance of what quality representation entails, the untrained aides to the failed former Deputy Chairman Senate committee on Labour and Employment paraded an unproved scholarship to 70 indigent students, an alleged training of 150 youths in an unnamed skills acquisition programme and the disbursement of N50,000 to the wives of some of his supporters in the guise of widows empowerment programme as Umeh's achievement during his unceremonious stay in the Senate.

Shockingly, these enemies of goodwill went further to claim a bill which was simply co-sponsored by Senator Umeh as his, one of which was the Bill to Establish Federal University of Education in Aguleri, Anambra State (Est. etc.) 2018. Umeh, in his usual way of claiming what is never his, arranged his aides to claim that he wholly sponsored this bill and many others. A claim I consider laughable, as a simple Google search of the title of this Bill reveals the actual sponsor of the Bill.

Even more alarming is the dubious claims that the failed former Senator attracted 68 projects to the constituency in one year! What a joke!

Even though the article failed to list these projects, Ndi Anambra Central are aware of the existence of some uninspiring constituency projects by Chief Umeh. These casual works such as erection of Water Boreholes, Construction of 2 blocks of classrooms in few schools when his colleagues had erosion control projects, road projects and others as constituency projects, give him (Umeh) away as one who lacks the capacity to attract laudable projects to the constituency.

Is it the 31 tricycles he shared to his supporters which were said to be bought at an exorbitant and outrageous price of 1.5 millon naira each? His embrassing display of ignorance of constitutional provisions on the floor of the Senate on the 23rd of October, 2018 when a colleague Senator told him to apologize for trying to mislead the Senate or his failed attempt to plagiarize a motion previously presented by Senator Eyinnanya Abaribe on the floor of the Senate? Where does one end, the list of Chief Umeh's failed representation is endless!


Even without the implementation of the 2020 budget and the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, Senator Uche Ekwunife in one year has distributed 66 tricycles to constituents of Anambra Central Senatorial District against Chief Umeh's 31, sponsored 15 Bills against Umeh's 3 controversial bills in almost 2 years, facilitated employment for 85 graduates when Umeh as Deputy Chairman Senate Committee on Labour Employment failed to secure any employment for even his closest aides and supporters save for his close family members. While close to 400 persons have received empowerment trainings on ICT, Soap making, bag making and a host of other skills in the last one year courtesy of Senator Uche Ekwunife, Chief Victor Umeh is boasting with a purported training of 150 youths in an unknown skill in nearly 2 years of his stay as Senator.

More so, in less than one year, Senator Ekwunife already has 15 impactful motions to her name while Umeh only had 2 adopted motions, the 3rd one was turned down for his display of ignorance of legislative processes.

Ekwunife had gone ahead to facilitate the distribution of educational materials to 131 primary and secondary schools in the Anambra Central Senatorial District, organized a free medical outreach programme across the 58 communities of Anambra Central, faciliated training and distribution of laptop computers to 50 youths to enhance their digital skills, made cash donations and distributed beddings to Loretto Special Science School Adazi-Nnukwu to support the rebuilding of the school hostel which was gutted by fire, and recently out of her humanity and support for the fight against Covid-19 pandemic, she distributed palliatives, protective Items and cash support across the 113 political wards within the district.

Ndi Anambra Central, you may recall that in 2015 when Chief Victor Umeh stole the mandate given to Senator Uche Ekwunife through a widely condemned Appeal Court judgment thereby sneaking into the Senate through the back door, Senator Ekwunife let him be without issuing any form of verbal or media attacks on him. She kept working to recover her stolen mandate knowing that she is the People's Choice and that her opponent lacked the capacity to address the yearnings of the constituents, this was exemplified when she, in February 2019, defeated Chief Victor C. Umeh in the entire 7 local governments of the Senatorial District with over 40,000 votes margin.

Now, it's barely one year and the defeated Victor Umeh and his untrained media tugs, out of boredom and joblessness have resumed their spread of propaganda when the people of Anambra Central are still counting their losses during the time Umeh and his co-conspirators scuttled a mandate that earned us the highly sort Senate Committee on Petroleum Downstream in 2015!

Obviously, Chief Victor Umeh remains the only Candidate in the last election who is yet to get over the shock of losing to a more popular candidate at the polls, and hence his continuous sponsoring of internet thugs to attack the people's choice representative of Anambra Central Senatorial District, Senator Uche Ekwunife. These lapdogs have continued to do the bidding of their master in the most unprofessional and infantile manner.

Chief Victor Umeh should be informed that no matter his antics, the Senate seat of Anambra Central Senatorial District has gone far beyond his reach. The mandate of Senator Uche Ekwunife is divine and the people of Anambra Central Senatorial District are proud of the choice they made!


BREAKING NEWS: Oshiomhole is no longer APC Chairman

The Court of Appeal in Abuja has upheld the suspension of Adams Oshiomhole as the National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

An FCT High Court had on March 4 granted an application by six members of the APC in Edo 

State suspending Oshiomhole from office.

A three member panel of justices led by the President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Monica Dongban-Mensem held that Oshiomhole’s appeal challenging his suspension was unmeritorious.

We don't  have to continue waiting for our governors to enact any ban on grazing.



We must make this go VIRAL:::



The Fulani, cattle dealers are already crying out that their business has suffered a huge downfall all because of pandemic lockdown which has stopped all Igbos ceremonies.

So  Ndigbo please let's squeeze their cattle business harder and harder. They will have no choice than to pack up and leave with their cows.











For some days now, I've watched with dismay as Chief Victor Umeh and his cronies attempt to draw up some myopic comparison between the Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Distinguished Senator Uche Ekwunife and Chief Victor Umeh, and I ask, on what basis should anyone compare a proven performer like Senator Uche Ekwunife with an average politician whose umerited stay in the Senate was full of controversies and below par performances?

I find it completely shocking that Chief Umeh and his internet thugs are parading mediocre projects and legislative works online, in an attempt to compare the ineffective and uninspiring representation Ndi Anambra Central experienced during Mr. Umeh's unfortunate entrance and stay in the Nigerian Senate albeit through the back door.

In a poorly concocted and highly unintelligent article entitled, ANAMBRA CENTRAL ONCE HAD A SENATOR, Victor Umeh's untrained media aides struggled without success to revive a product already rejected by the entire SEVEN local governments that make up Anambra Central Senatorial District.


In a sad display of ignorance of what quality representation entails, the untrained aides to the failed former Deputy Chairman Senate committee on Labour and Employment paraded an unproved scholarship to 70 indigent students, an alleged training of 150 youths in an unnamed skills acquisition programme and the disbursement of N50,000 to the wives of some of his supporters in the guise of widows empowerment programme as Umeh's achievement during his unceremonious stay in the Senate.

Shockingly, these enemies of goodwill went further to claim a bill which was simply co-sponsored by Senator Umeh as his, one of which was the Bill to Establish Federal University of Education in Aguleri, Anambra State (Est. etc.) 2018. Umeh, in his usual way of claiming what is never his, arranged his aides to claim that he wholly sponsored this bill and many others. A claim I consider laughable, as a simple Google search of the title of this Bill reveals the actual sponsor of the Bill.

Even more alarming is the dubious claims that the failed former Senator attracted 68 projects to the constituency in one year! What a joke!

Even though the article failed to list these projects, Ndi Anambra Central are aware of the existence of some uninspiring constituency projects by Chief Umeh. These casual works such as erection of Water Boreholes, Construction of 2 blocks of classrooms in few schools when his colleagues had erosion control projects, road projects and others as constituency projects, give him (Umeh) away as one who lacks the capacity to attract laudable projects to the constituency.

Is it the 31 tricycles he shared to his supporters which were said to be bought at an exorbitant and outrageous price of 1.5 millon naira each? His embrassing display of ignorance of constitutional provisions on the floor of the Senate on the 23rd of October, 2018 when a colleague Senator told him to apologize for trying to mislead the Senate or his failed attempt to plagiarize a motion previously presented by Senator Eyinnanya Abaribe on the floor of the Senate? Where does one end, the list of Chief Umeh's failed representation is endless!


Even without the implementation of the 2020 budget and the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, Senator Uche Ekwunife in one year has distributed 66 tricycles to constituents of Anambra Central Senatorial District against Chief Umeh's 31, sponsored 15 Bills against Umeh's 3 controversial bills in almost 2 years, facilitated employment for 85 graduates when Umeh as Deputy Chairman Senate Committee on Labour Employment failed to secure any employment for even his closest aides and supporters save for his close family members. While close to 400 persons have received empowerment trainings on ICT, Soap making, bag making and a host of other skills in the last one year courtesy of Senator Uche Ekwunife, Chief Victor Umeh is boasting with a purported training of 150 youths in an unknown skill in nearly 2 years of his stay as Senator.

More so, in less than one year, Senator Ekwunife already has 15 impactful motions to her name while Umeh only had 2 adopted motions, the 3rd one was turned down for his display of ignorance of legislative processes.

Ekwunife had gone ahead to facilitate the distribution of educational materials to 131 primary and secondary schools in the Anambra Central Senatorial District, organized a free medical outreach programme across the 58 communities of Anambra Central, faciliated training and distribution of laptop computers to 50 youths to enhance their digital skills, made cash donations and distributed beddings to Loretto Special Science School Adazi-Nnukwu to support the rebuilding of the school hostel which was gutted by fire, and recently out of her humanity and support for the fight against Covid-19 pandemic, she distributed palliatives, protective Items and cash support across the 113 political wards within the district.

Ndi Anambra Central, you may recall that in 2015 when Chief Victor Umeh stole the mandate given to Senator Uche Ekwunife through a widely condemned Appeal Court judgment thereby sneaking into the Senate through the back door, Senator Ekwunife let him be without issuing any form of verbal or media attacks on him. She kept working to recover her stolen mandate knowing that she is the People's Choice and that her opponent lacked the capacity to address the yearnings of the constituents, this was exemplified when she, in February 2019, defeated Chief Victor C. Umeh in the entire 7 local governments of the Senatorial District with over 40,000 votes margin.

Now, it's barely one year and the defeated Victor Umeh and his untrained media tugs, out of boredom and joblessness have resumed their spread of propaganda when the people of Anambra Central are still counting their losses during the time Umeh and his co-conspirators scuttled a mandate that earned us the highly sort Senate Committee on Petroleum Downstream in 2015!

Obviously, Chief Victor Umeh remains the only Candidate in the last election who is yet to get over the shock of losing to a more popular candidate at the polls, and hence his continuous sponsoring of internet thugs to attack the people's choice representative of Anambra Central Senatorial District, Senator Uche Ekwunife. These lapdogs have continued to do the bidding of their master in the most unprofessional and infantile manner.

Chief Victor Umeh should be informed that no matter his antics, the Senate seat of Anambra Central Senatorial District has gone far beyond his reach. The mandate of Senator Uche Ekwunife is divine and the people of Anambra Central Senatorial District are proud of the choice they made!


Why I admire Peter Obi

Why I admire Peter Obi

“He deployed the money he saved from cutting costs to the development of his state such that he never borrowed a dime throughout his tenure as governor. Rather, he saved a lot of money for his successor. So far, he has remained the best governor Anambra has produced in all ramifications.”


A governor’s N50m single trip to Abuja

Casmir Igbokwe

In a transparent and sane society, there would have been uproar by now. But ours is a country of anything goes. So, there was not even a whimper. We simply shrugged off the revelation that the former Bauchi State Governor, Mohammed Abubakar, spent N50 million for each trip to Abuja from Bauchi as governor. 

At first, the allegation seemed unbelievable. But coming from the incumbent governor of the state, Senator Bala Mohammed, it is not impossible. In a media chat to mark his first year in office, Senator Mohammed affirmed: “N50m just to go to Abuja, it is there on record. I don’t even take it. My protocol, yes, as a governor, will take N3m to N5m to go with me. We are not saying this to beguile anybody but it is there. If you take N50m times four, that is N200m, you cannot do anything, you need projects.”

I had expected that ex-Governor Abubakar would have called a press conference to debunk this allegation. Since he has not done that, I assume that there is an element of truth in it. The reaction by his media aide, Ali M. Ali, that the allegation was diversionary is unsatisfactory. Ali wondered how N50m could be spent on such travel when the ex-governor usually stayed in his house in Abuja on such occasions. “This is unthinkable,” he noted.

Yes, it is unthinkable! But I am not sure Ali has the details of everything the governor did when he was in office. And it is not certain if he consulted him before his swift response. Thus, we need to hear directly from the governor. We need to know some other details, including how the state government spent about $3 million to repair its 50-seater aircraft that is currently parked. The governor said the state needed extra $3 million to effect another repair on the aircraft he described as valueless.

The Bauchi episode replicates itself in many other states. It confirms the common knowledge about how those at the helm squander our commonwealth and leave the majority of us in penury. Some waste millions of naira on champagne alone. Some travel in chartered aircraft when commercial airlines are at their service. And they move with a retinue of aides whose travel perks also run into millions of naira.

This is why I admire the former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi. Faced with similar opportunities when he was governor, Obi chose a life of prudence. He never moved with unnecessary convoy. He travelled only on commercial flights and in economy class too. For him, the millions of naira spent on preparing food for him at the state liaison offices each time he travelled outside the state were unnecessary. He stopped it and only preferred to take his meals in his hotel. He deployed the money he saved from all these to the development of his state such that he never borrowed a dime throughout his tenure as governor. Rather, he saved a lot of money for his successor. So far, he has remained the best governor Anambra has produced in all ramifications.

Why can’t other Nigerian leaders emulate this philosophy of Obi? Why is there so much wastage in the governance of the country? Currently, Nigeria’s debt stands at about N33.078 trillion. The other day, the Nigerian Senate approved the Federal Government’s $5.513 billion external loan request. In March this year, the same Senate approved FG’s $22.7 billion external loan request. And in this April, there were reports that the Senate approved President Muhammadu Buhari’s N850 billion domestic loan request. Why are we on a borrowing binge? Why spend billions of naira to service loans and mortgage our future when there are other creative ways of generating money?

In case they have forgotten, here are a few of these creative ways: One, they should block the security vote loophole. We must learn to run a transparent government where every kobo spent on people’s behalf must be accounted for. As it is currently, security votes are not accounted for. It gives room for serious embezzlement and encourages shady characters to vie for these top leadership positions just to grab state resources. It is not healthy.

Two, all governors travelling outside their states must go with commercial airlines. Whoever wants to charter aircraft should do so with his personal money. The Presidency, on its part, should reduce the number of aircraft in the presidential fleet. There are at least nine planes in the presidential fleet when only two or three would have been adequate.

Three, political office-holders should reduce the number of their aides and political appointees. Some governors have hundreds of aides who draw salaries every month. The functions of some these aides overlap, indicating that some of them are not necessary. In some states, you have special assistant, senior special assistant and special adviser on one position. The Presidency is also guilty of this. Most times though, these appointments are political. They are meant to compensate some people who helped in the campaign for elections. There must be some other ways of compensating these people without creating avenues for haemorrhaging the resources of the state.

Four, all the states paying life pensions to ex-governors must put a stop to it. Some of these former governors receiving these pensions are currently serving as ministers or senators. Hence, they earn double pay simply because they served the state for eight years. This is not right.

In some states, the entitlements are outrageous. A typical example is Lagos State, which first introduced this law during the tenure of Bola Ahmed Tinubu. According to the Lagos life pension law, any ex-governor who served the state for two terms is entitled to a house each in Abuja and Lagos, six brand new cars every three years, life pension of N30 million per annum, etc. In Akwa Ibom State, a former governor like Godswill Akpabio is entitled to N200 million annual pension and many other benefits. Meanwhile, Akpabio had been a senator and is now Minister of Niger Delta Affairs. Some other states with this double pension law include Edo, Delta, Rivers, Kano, Katsina, Niger, Bauchi, Borno, Abia, Oyo, Ebonyi and Gombe.

Good enough, some states have abolished that law. Zamfara put a stop to it last year. And the most recent is Imo State, which repealed it a few days ago. Kwara State suspended it in 2018. It is not certain why it has not completely abolished it.

Five, government at all levels should stop depending wholly on oil, which is a depleting resource. The Federal Government has done well by trying to revive agriculture. But it needs to do more. There is no reason relevant ministries should not encourage manufacturers to mass-produce goods for export, especially to sister African countries. Car manufacturing company, Innoson, for instance, should be able to export its vehicles to some neighbouring countries.

In all, if our leaders are able to cut cost of governance and diversify their revenue base, there may not be any need to take humungous loans. As for Bauchi State, all I can say is, sell that aircraft and plough the profit in some developmental projects in the state. Call ex-governors to render account of their stewardship if need be.

 Re: Now that worship centres are about to reopen

How I wish they will abide by the directives when the church reopens because it is the responsibility of every government to protect the lives of her citizens. Also, government should wield a big stick to any church/mosque that violates the directive as J.J Rousseau stated that he who doesn’t want to be free must be forced to be free. So we must force our people to be alive. Lastly, government should consider easing the lockdown of interstate borders because of the hardship it imposes on traders.

 Smart, Abakaliki, 08134774884

Casmir, having relaxed the lockdown to the extent of reopening worship centres, government would bear the burden of 40% likely increases should the chickens come home to roost. Why crash under undue pressures when the curve is yet to flatten? Watch out for these interesting scenarios at worship centres: 1. Government authority vs spiritual authority. 2. Faith vs logic. 3. Nose mask protection vs divine protection. 4. Social networking vs social distancing. 5. Restrictions in the house of God vs liberty (in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy/liberty). 6. Realities vs conspiracy theories (doubting Thomases). 7. Faith purveyors vs fear promoters. 8. Caution vs throwing caution to the winds. May God perfect our imperfections!

 Mike, Mushin, +2348161114572

Dear Casmir, salvation proceeds from the heart and one’s belonging to God also rests in the internal. Being a Muslim is different from being a Mohammedan. Mohammad never lifted sword on a Christian instead he lived in peace and harmony with them because it was Syrian Monks that spotted him a prophet. So, attacks on Christians are not Islamic.

 Cletus Frenchman, Enugu, +2349095385215

Dear Casy, as you rightly said, we have become too religious and ungodly. Most of our Christian leaders abandoned their followers by not being able to provide for them both spiritually and materially. Now, some have lost their means of livelihood through this Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, Nigerian govt coro is deadlier than covid-19. The Fulani herdsmen terrorists supported by this present federal government have taken over our lands from Middle Belt to the whole South. This is the time for us to unite and rekindle our faith as exemplified by our lord Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

 Eze Chima C. Lagos,+2347036225495

Religious bodies should re-arrange their sitting pattern during service to avoid spreading of Covid-19 pandemic. The clergy should not use the opportunity of re-opening worship centres to milk members dry with different offerings & tithes to recover all that they have lost.

 Gordon Chika Nnorom, Umukabia, +2348062887535

HOME CONTROL; A daughter wore a skimpy skirt one morning and her father told her to go and take it off that it was too short.


A daughter wore a skimpy skirt one morning and her father told her to go and take it off that it was too short. 

She walked to the room and reported her father to her mother .

   “Mummy daddy said that I should take off this skirt”.

Her mother replied “is this like a report or what? ☹ ALIYAH! that was an instruction and it needed an immediate action, so go and take it off immediately"

She quietly walked away and complied. 

1. Dad / Mum, please turn them back when they are reporting either of you to the other.

2. Let them know instructions from any parent are not reportable. 

3. As a parent, do not summon your partner to find out whether the report was true or not.

4. Do not tell your partner he/she was wrong before your child/children.

5. If you see no reason why such instructions were given, conclude it with your partner in secret and let same person correct it.

6. If you did not give him/ her a punishment, let the one who gave it do the release and if the person is not around and you can’t reach on phone (try and do the call before the child if possible) then release the child when appropriate and tell him/her that it is with the permission of your husband or wife. Both of you are same.

7. Let us do this together so we train and raise godly children properly.


Labor Day Sale! Up to 60% Off Plus Extra 10% Off on Selected Items! Use Code EAF10. Ends 09/12/2020.

There was a mild drama at the Senate on Monday when the Director-General of the Raw Materials Research

There was a mild drama at the Senate on Monday when the Director-General of the Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Professor Hussain Ibrahim, identified the development of Kilishi technology as its major breakthrough since the agency’s creation, 33 years ago.

Ibrahim, who appeared before the Senate Committee on Science and Technology to brief the senators on the activities of his agency, caused a stir when he said the Kilishi technology was the only major breakthrough it had successfully developed for commercial use.

Kilishi is a locally spiced roasted meat made of beef, and it is very popular in the northern part of Nigeria.

The Chairman of the Senate panel, Senator Uche Ekwunife, had asked the DG to tell Nigerians what specific raw material the agency had successfully produced in the country in partnership with other research institutes.

Ekwunife said, “Your core mandate is to develop local materials.

“Can you tell us the local raw materials you have developed in the areas of health, brewery, construction, science, and technology, or agriculture?

“Just give us the synopsis of what you have developed or generated for local industries. Tell us about your breakthrough.”

An elated Ibrahim proudly told the panel that despite its lack of laboratory, the 33-year-old agency had succeeded in producing the local meat delicacy for commercial production as part of the agency’s breakthrough.

He said, “We have developed two varieties of Sorghum. We collaborated with agricultural research institutes, pharmaceutical industries because we produce ethanol from it and that is the basic raw material for the production of sanitizers.

“Also from the same Sorghum, we developed other products like Glucose syrup, livestock feeds, material for breweries, and starch.

Ibrahim threw the bombshell when the Chairman asked if the agency had developed the glucose syrup to the stage where Nigeria would no longer import it.

The DG said, “We have not reached that stage. It goes through processes. We have tested it now but the stage we are now is the pilot stage.

“That pilot stage will now lead to the optimisation of the products. At that pilot stage, we would now see if what we have finally done are technically feasible or commercially viable. We have to determine that.

“After we had determined that. We will now ask relevant industries to take them for mass production.

“In our 30 years of research activities, we are still the largest research Institute. But to be candid with you, we are making progress.

“For now, we have developed technology to optimize Kilishi production. Research activities take time.”

His submission led to prolonged laughter from the audience but drew the anger of the lawmakers.

A member of the panel, Senator Clifford Ordia said, “is this the success story that you are going to tell us after 33 years?

BREAKING: FG to lift ban on interstate travels – Presidency

Politics Nigeria
BREAKING: FG to lift ban on interstate travels – Presidency
Dumebi Emmanuel Dumebi Emmanuel
2 hours ago

BREAKING: Buhari finally breaks silence on death of UNIBEN student

The Personal Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on new media, Bashir Ahmad, has announced the likelihood of lifting the interstate travel ban.

The federal government had prohibited interstate movement as one of the protocols to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nevertheless, several reports have shown that the ban has not been effective with security operatives compromising at the borders of different states.

Recently, a POLITICS NIGERIA’s investigation revealed that it takes a N100 bribe to infiltrate the Oyo/Ogun state borders.

On Thursday, Mr Ahmad who took to his social media page, disclosed the plans to lift the ban on June 21.

“Interstate movement may resume on June 21, the National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Dr. Sani Aliyu, gave the hint recently, as domestic flights expected to also resume on June 21,” he wrote.

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Dahiru Bobbo, Fmr DG Boundary Commission.

1. There is no iota of truth in the report purported to have been published in the Guardian to the effect that Nigeria may lose 24 Local government Area councils to new UN STATE on the basis of "OBASANJO,BIYA CEDED TERRITORIES IN 2003"

 2.As the Director -General of the National Boundary Commission of Nigeria 1999 to 2006, I confirmed that there had never been a Summit between Obasanjo and Biya throughout the year 2003.

Therefore there could have been no agreement, treaty,communique or any other bilateral exchange of documents between Cameroon and Nigeria on cessation of territories to UN or to anybody for that matter. 

3.The records available confirmed only two meetings of Presidents Obasanjo of Nigeria and Biya of Cameroon on Paris on 5th September 2002 and Geneva  on 15 November 2002 both on the invitations of the UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY GENERAL  KOFI ANAN.

The Communiques issued on the  two Summits were in respect of the establishment ofa Cameroon Nigerian Mixed Commission on the implementation of the decisions of the international Court of justice at the Hague(The World Court) on Bakassi Peninsula and the Land boundary between Nigeria and Cameroon. 

4. The Mixed Commission of which I was a member and Secretary handled the assignment and handed over territories to both Cameroon and Nigeria as ruled by the World Court including Dambore,Narki (BORNO)and Burha Vango (ADAMAWA)to Nigeria and  Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon. 
5.The last two meetings between the UN SECRETARY  GENERAL and President Biya and President Obasanjo   
were held in Geneva o  11 May 2005,and at Greentree,New York on 12 June 2006 concerning the Modalities of Withdrawal  and Transfer of  Authority in the Bakassi Peninsula 
On the whole the ruling of 10 October 2002 of the International Court of justice  
On the land and maritime dispute between Cameroon and Nigeria  was peacefully implemented fully and there was no outstanding matter reserved for UN to create any new state in the affected region .
Dahiru Bobbo OFR  former Director general of the National Boundary Commission

BREAKING: Domestic Flights To Resume From June 21 —FG

The Federal Government has asked the aviation sector to begin to develop protocols that will lead to

the resumption of domestic flights any time from June 21, The PUNCH reports.

The National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Sani Aliyu, stated this on Monday during a briefing Abuja.

He said, “The aviation industry is requested to start developing protocols to allow for domestic flights to resume anytime from the 21st of June onwards.
Airlines must ensure physical distancing by reducing passenger capacity and ensure the provision of sanitisers and personal protective equipment as well as carrying out temperature checks at the point of entry and departure and ensuring that airports are not congested by either travellers or airports staff.”

The PUNCH reports that the country’s airports and airspace were shut in March by the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), as part of efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commercial flight operations, both local and international, had stopped forthwith but the President’s directive allowed the operation of essential flights including those for medical and evacuation purposes, amongst others.

On May 6, the Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, announced that the closure of the country’s airports and airspace were further extended by four weeks after due consultations with experts.

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