CBN unveils framework to check bad loans


CBN unveils framework to check bad loans

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has released operational guidelines on the Global Service Instructions (GSI), aimed at checking the spate of bad loans within the banking sector. According to a statement by Chibuzo Efobi, for the Director, Financial Policy and Regulation Department of the apex bank, the initiative was conceived to address recurring instances of willful loan default in the industry.

Efobi said that the guidelines would enhance the establishment of a “watch list” and identify recalcitrant loan defaulters and enhance loan recovery from all eligible and funded accounts in the industry. He added that it would also improve credit payment culture and reduce non-performing loans in the Nigerian banking system.

“Consequently, please be informed that the frequency of recovery attempts via the GSI platform has been amended from specific number to continuous and unrestricted number,’’ he said. He said that the GSI automated loan recovery feature applicable to all loans in the industry shall remain perpetually in place throughout the life of the loan, or until it is fully repaid.

He urged members of the banking public to check the CBN website, for perusal of the guidelines. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the GSI initiative was approved by the Bankers’ Committee at its meeting in February, 2020. The CBN, thereafter, collaborated with relevant stakeholders to develop necessary protocols to facilitate implementation of the GSI, for eligible loans granted with effect from Aug. 28, 2019.




Hanifa Abubakar

I am deeply traumatized by the news of the killing of 5 year old, innocent Hanifa Abubakar allegedly by the proprietor of her school- Noble Kids Nursery and Primary School, Kawana, Kano State, Mr Abdulmalik Tanko.

The poor under-aged girl was said to have been killed by the culprit with rat poison and buried in a shallow grave by the culprit who kidnapped her for a ransom.

I am shocked at the level of wickedness and inhumanity being displayed by some elements in our contemporary society today and as a mother, I feel the grief and pains of the mother of the deceased little innocent girl and I have been unable to sleep since the news broke out.

I charge the Kano State Government and all other  relevant agencies to ensure that the perpetrator of this heinous act and indeed all his collaborators are brought to book  as urgently as possible to serve as a deterrent to others.

This is a situation where a child was put in the care of the culprit in his school and her school fees were being paid by her parents only to be allegedly murdered brutally by the same person in whose trust the parents put their child. A child who was only 5 years and did no wrong. This ugly incident suggests that the culprit opened that school as a means to lure people to murder to satisfy his killer urge.

I advise the State House of Assembly of the states of the Federation to amend their relevant criminals laws to provide for a speedy time line for the prosecution and conclusion of criminal cases across the country because it has been observed that most of these criminals are on bail and their trials are protracting with some of them being abandoned after long delays thereby giving opportunity to criminals to continue to evade Justice. 

I pray for the peaceful repose of the innocent soul of Hanifa and pray God to grant the parents and siblings the fortitude to bear the loss.

- Senator Uche Ekwunife, PhD (IYOM)




Amarachi Edeh

1. A wise woman has secrets:

You can't be too naked with your love, social or spiritual life and expect dignity. Not everyone should know what you are going through. Be a self-contained lady.

2. A wise woman has surprises:

There is beauty in a surprise. Don't run around announcing things that are not yet..... It only destroys their beauty. And when they fail you will suffer unnecessary shame. Be a self-controlled lady.

3.  A wise woman is unpredictable :

People should know there is both yes and no in your mouth. Your moves and words shouldn't be too obvious. Be a deep lady. 

4.  A wise woman has meaningful connections :

You can't be a friend to everyone and have focus. You can't be the organiser in every social activity and be a productive woman. Love all but a close friend of a few!

5.  A wise woman does less of a girl talk :

You can't have too much talk and work at the same time. Cheap talks only lead to empty gossips! A gossiping woman is a shallow woman. 

6. A wise woman has time for herself :

You can't understand yourself better until you create time for yourself. 

Create time to see your weaknesses and work on them. Have time for self correction lady. 

7. A wise woman interacts with God:

You cannot have the highest level of wisdom until you interact with its source. Rare breeds of women are found here.... at the feet of JESUS.

Give God time ladies!

By Amarachi Edeh

Which part of women do men stare at?

 Which part of women do men stare at?

Some men look at the eyes first. Other at the ass. Other at the boobs. But it is only a way of prioritizing things because they have only two eyes.

Men likes to stare at every single part of beautiful women.

(And also parts of average women when there is no beautiful women around).

Court Declares Nnamdi Kanu's Arrest As Illegal, Orders Nigerian Government To Pay Him N1billion

 Court Declares Nnamdi Kanu's Arrest As Illegal, Orders Nigerian Government To Pay Him N1billion

Abia State High

The judge on Wednesday also ruled that his abduction and forceful return to Nigeria was "illegal" under local and international laws.

Justice Benson Anya of the Abia State High Court has ruled that the invasion of the security agents to the residence of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, in 2017 was unlawful and an infringement on his human rights.

The judge on Wednesday also ruled that his abduction and forceful return to Nigeria was "illegal" under local and international laws.

Nnamdi Kanu

Anya also ruled that the Nigerian government should pay Kanu a sum of N1billion as a compensation for the violation of his fundamental human rights.

Recall that Kanu's Special Counsel, Aloy Ejimakor filed the lawsuit against the Nigerian government on August 27, 2021 before the Abia court. 

Nnamdi Kanu Resumes Trial, Faces New Terrorism Charges (Read Details)


Nnamdi Kanu Resumes Trial, Faces New Terrorism Charges (Read Details)

There is anxiety as the trial of Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, resumes at the Federal High Court sitting in Abuja.

Kanu is facing a seven-count charge before the Justice Binta Nyako-led Federal High Court.

The government yesterday, added other counts, bordering on terrorism, against him.

Kanu had pleaded not guilty to the first set of charges and opted to challenge the validity of the alleged crime.

Reacting to the new charges, Kanu’s lawyer, Aloy Ejimakor, accused the Federal Government of “dilatory tactics”, stressing that it’s an exercise in futility.

Ejimakor wondered why the government would slam his client with fresh charges on the eve of his resumed trials.

In preparation for the trial, the Abuja Federal High Court had granted the IPOB leader three days to present his case for fresh bail and to challenge the competence of the fresh terrorism charge brought against him by the federal government.

This was contained in a hearing notice issued by the Federal High Court for determination of the two motions filed by Kanu

The hearing notice served on the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Justice and on Kanu through his lawyer, Ifeanyi Ejiofor fixed January 18, 19 and 20, 2022, consecutively, for disposal of the two motions.

Nnamdi Kanu is also expected to use the three days to challenge the court’s jurisdiction to try him on the terrorism charge on the grounds that the alleged offences were committed in the United Kingdom and not in Nigeria.

Kanu was in June 2021 re-arrested in Kenya and extradited to Nigeria to face his trial and had since been confined to the detention facility of the Department of the State Services, DSS, in Abuja on the order of the court.

He was first arrested in Lagos in 2015 by operatives of the Department of State Service (DSS) and was arraigned alongside four others in 201



There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about. 

The church also has closed her eyes on this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.

In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.

I want to make it so clear and not in jargons or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from *lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexual, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more* which time will fail me to mention.

Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by 'so called boyfriends'. And every guy is now dating because of sex.

 God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven't married.

It's a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?

A pastor slept with his junior pastor's wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.

 Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?

If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?

If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?


Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house of Jacob their sins, and Israel their transgressions. Pastor why are you not crying aloud? Why are you so mute like ELI? Heaven is shedding tears over the perishing souls every day and you are there raising funds every Sunday to build bigger Auditorium.

You call your members for anointing services and prayer meetings without urging sin out of them.

Some are living together with men that did not pay any dowry on them.

 Some commit abortion and cover it up. Some are lesbians and homosexuals. What are you doing about that?

Where has the word of God that says *"flee fornication"* gone to in your Bible? From henceforth, if you don't take this warning and start declaring war against this strange spirit that has taken over the church, you'll have questions to answer.

And those who claim they love holiness messages with negligence to this particular truth about sex have actually missed the mark.


To be active in church and still be committing immorality, God is watching you.

To be a child of God and still having a boyfriend or girlfriend, God is watching you.

To be a choir member or youth leader and still be doing what the married are doing, if you like continue.

All you need is genuine repentance.



God Said : There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things.*

1. They will love the enjoyment of this world and forget the day of judgement.

2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.

3. They will fear things that are created and forget the creator.

4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.

5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God's forgiveness.

Oh God, bless those who spread this message.

Come to think of this?.......

1. Eternal life = free

2. Church entrance = free

3. Christ's salvation = free

4. God's love = free

5. Breath of life = free

A. Cigarette = pay

B. Prostitution = pay

C. Alcohol =pay

D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay

E. Powers to rule the world = pay

Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?

Think twice

Believe in Christ and you shall be saved..      

 We always think of 

Valentine's day 

Birth day

Father's day

Mother's day

Children's day

Our day,

Farmer's day

Teacher's day

Christmas day

Independence day

Boxing day,

This day,

That day,

Day in Day out.

Have you ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you ?

If you’re safe, what about your friends & loved ones. Show them love by telling them about the Judgement Day. Please pass this to any group and let heaven be happy for you today. Please don't say later, do it now because tomorrow may be too late.

Crypto News


US Lawmakers prepare for hearing on cryptocurrency mining’s environmental impact

  • The US Congress is preparing for a hearing on the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining. 
  • According to sources familiar with the matter, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is drawing a list of witnesses for the hearing. 
  • The Committee plans to question witnesses about energy use in proof-of-work mining and infrastructure. 
  • In 2021, Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to New York-based miners regarding the environmental impact of crypto mining. 

A US Congress sub-committee is preparing for a hearing on the environmental impact of crypto mining. Governments worldwide have taken numerous measures to address the negative impact of Bitcoin mining. 

US Congress plans hearing for crypto mining’s adverse impact 

The news of a US Congressional hearing on the issue broke amidst rising concerns about the negative impact of cryptocurrency mining on the environment. 

As of August 2021, the US accounted for over 35% of the global Bitcoin hashrate based on Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance data. According to numerous sources the US is the largest single Bitcoin mining nation. 

The US Congress sub-committee is preparing a hearing to assess the impact of crypto and Bitcoin mining. According to sources close to the matter, Congress is working on a witness list. 

The Oversight and Investigations subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is getting ready to question witnesses about energy usage in proof-of-work mining. 

US-based mining firms have continued expanding their operations, raising concerns among regulators. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently expressed her concerns in a letter addressed to a New York-based mining firm Greenidge. 

Over the past three years, the countries that have banned Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have doubled in number. Now nine countries have imposed a complete ban, and several others have implemented a partial ban. 

The concerns surrounding Bitcoin, its usage and mining activities have affected governments worldwide. 



1. Put your kids in  

    schools you can afford 

    because expensive 

    schools don't  

    guarantee good 

    results. Just ensure 

    they attend a good 

    affordable school

2. Rent apartments you 

    can pay for

    conveniently. Don’t live 

    in a house you struggle 

    to pay yearly.

3. Let’s plan our lives and 

    live within our means. 

    Save more and spend 


4. Some women buy food 

    for their children every 

    morning before going 

    to school or even for 

    the whole family, do 

    you know it’s cheaper 

    to cook at home?

5. Some people don’t 

    earn much, but have 

    DSTV at home, go for 

    GOTV and upgrade 

    when your income 

    upgrades. It’s still the 

    same CNN anyway!

6. Eat healthy meals and 

    protect your family 

    from mosquitoes to 

    avoid going to the 

    hospital always.

7. Take advantage of 

    food and fruits in 

    season, its cheaper 

    and you can be 

    creative to create 

    amazing meals.

8.Don’t copy your 

     neighbor’s lifestyle, 

     she earns well and her 

     husband is a ‘big 


9. Don’t follow trends

       wear clean well-

       ironed clothes and 

       keep your hair neat. 

       You would still look 


10. Keep your circle 

       small, keep only 

       friends that have 


11. Above all things, have 

      the fear of God, have 

      integrity, don’t be lazy 

      and be prayerful.

12. Planning is the key, if 

       you fail to plan, you 

       plan to FAIL. 

13. Don't do more than 

      your budget this  

      Time, ther e is no 

      award given to best 

      family that wore an 

      expensive cloth for 

      the year

14.Don't be in 

     competition with 


     The purpose of shoes 

     and clothes are to 

     make us smart and 




What are some interesting facts about psychology related to relationships and love?

 What are some interesting facts about psychology related to relationships and love?

1. Narrow bed.

Spouses should sleep separately or on a very wide bed for their mental and physical health, to get good sleep, and for a healthy environment in the family.

Scientists studying sleep problems have found that 30-40% of couples sleep in different beds.

And that’s actually good because poor quality sleep can lead to divorce.

Therefore, if you want to keep your relationship strong, make sure you sleep well.

What other things do you think can predict an upcoming divorce or help avoid it?

1. Narrow bed.

Spouses should sleep separately or on a very wide bed for their mental and physical health, to get good sleep, and for a healthy environment in the family.

Scientists studying sleep problems have found that 30-40% of couples sleep in different beds.

And that’s actually good because poor quality sleep can lead to divorce.

Therefore, if you want to keep your relationship strong, make sure you sleep well.

What other things do you think can predict an upcoming divorce or help avoid it?

2. After the age of 32, the chances of getting a divorce increase by five percent each year of age at marriage.

They are more likely to divorce than those who tie the knot in their late 20s.

3. Thirty-three percent of people who date online form a relationship, 33% do not, and 33% give up.

4. Post-breakup individuals experience self-concept change and reduced self-concept clarity. They not only feel pain over the loss of their partner but also changes in themselves.

5. Studies show that happiness is contagious. Therefore, it can be difficult to walk away from a partner who is happy, or not love those who are happy mainly because they are so pleasant to be around.

6. Heartbreak is a real thing. It is also known as broken heart syndrome, and the symptoms are similar to a heart attack.

7. Workplace romances are more likely to result in marriage than a couple who met in any other way—even meeting through friends.

8. It's hard to let go

If you just can't shake a breakup, don't beat yourself up.

Romantic rejection is not unlike kicking an addiction, according to 2010 research in Journal of Neurophysiology.

The researchers looked at people who had recently experienced a breakup and who said they were still in love with their exes.

The participants underwent brain scans while looking at photographs of their former flames, as well as photographs of other friends and acquaintances.

When looking at their lost love, the volunteers showed brain activity in a region called the ventral tegmental area, which sits in the midbrain.

This area is known to be activated when people are in love, and in situations involving motivation and reward.

Other reward- and addiction-centered areas, including the nucleus accumbens in the forebrain, also became more active.

The good news is that the strength of the activity faded with time, the researchers reported.

No matter how stubbornly the brain holds on, it eventually lets go.

9. What it means when...a man stops trying.

It means something is missing in the relationship. What’s missing is something he needs in order to feel fully alive as a man.

That missing thing is what I want to tell you about. It’s an obsession all men have.

But they rarely talk about it unless they are a psychologist with a Ph.D. in masculinity and male psychological needs and drives.

But once you know about it, it’s really easy to see how you can use it to your advantage.

When a man stops trying…it’s because he has no outlet for this “obsession”…or at least not in his relationship with you.

As a result, your relationship begins to wither and die.

I want fist battle, not rap challenge – Burna Boy dares Shatta Wale


Nigerian Grammy award-winning singer, Burna Boy, has stated that he wants a physical fight with Shatta Wale and not a freestyle battle in Ghana.

Shatta Wale had challenged Burna Boy to a freestyle battle while insisting that Nigerian artistes are nothing without Ghana.

However, Burna Boy on his Instagram story made it clear that he wants a fist battle like real men do.

According to the ‘Odogwu’ crooner, he wants Shatta Wale to consider the challenge as an easy way out as he could make his life outside Ghana a living hell

On his Instagram post he wrote, “This guy thinks I have time this ain’t 8mile no be rap battle, it’s a fist battle the type real men do.

“We can do it anywhere you want behind closed doors or in the stadium for everyone to see. Stop acting like you don’t know I’ve been trying to set this up since January last year.

“Consider this an easy way out for you because I could easily make your life a living hell anywhere you go outside Ghana. You know I have money than all your Godfathers combined.

Ekwunife Attends The Dedication Of St. Joseph's Catholic Church Nri

 Ekwunife Attends The Dedication Of St. Joseph's Catholic Church Nri

Promises More Legislative Milestones In The National Assembly

  As Bishop commends the Ekwunife family for building the church tower

The Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Uche Ekwunife, PhD, Sunday, January 2, 2022, graced the dedication of St. Joseph's Catholic Church Nri. 

The Mass for the dedication of the church was celebrated by Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, Most Rev Paulinus Chukwuemeka Ezeokafor. The ultra modern church is one of the many parishes that make up the diocese.

Delivering the sermon, Bishop Ezeokafor noted that it was necessary for us as the children of God to always make it an obligation to attend church in order to interact with God, adding that a church is a place where the people of God converge. He stated that the dedication has created an avenue for christians to willingly use the church for prayers.

Speaking further, the Bishop appreciated the family of Chief Larry and Senator Uche Ekwunife for building the church tower, stressing that the lawmaker has taken representation to another level in the red chamber.

In her goodwill message, Ekwunife expressed delight at the dedication, saying that the edifice is a manifestation of God's blessings and grace upon his people. The Senator lauded the roles of the church in the spiritual growth of Christians.

The federal lawmaker reassured that she would at all times come up with workable solutions to tackle the economic challenges facing constituents. She reiterated her commitment towards focusing on projects, programmes and policies that would stimulate economic development.

The Chairman Senate Committee on Science and Technology who was represented by Anambra state former Commissioner of Women Affairs, Lady Henrietta Agbata congratulated the Parish priest and the entire Parishioners of St. Joseph's Catholic church on the successful dedication of the church. She promised more legislative milestones in the National Assembly.

Buhari signs N17tn 2022 budget into law, laments ‘worrisome changes


Buhari signs N17tn 2022 budget into law, laments ‘worrisome changes

FILE: From left: Vice President Yemi Osinbajo; the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.); and the Senate President, Ahmad Lawan

The President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), Friday in Abuja signed into law the 2022 Appropriation Bill and the 2021 Finance Bill.

The President signed the documents in the Presidential Villa in the presence of Senate President Ahmed Lawan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, and other members of the Federal Executive Council.

Speaking at the event, the President said the 2022 Budget, just signed into law, provides for aggregate expenditures of N17.127 trillion, an increase of N735.85 billion over the initial Executive Proposal for a total expenditure of N16.391 trillion.

The President explained that N186.53 billion of the increase however came from additional critical expenditures that he had authorised the Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning to forward to the National Assembly.

‘‘The Minister will provide the public with the details of the budget as passed by the National Assembly, and signed into law by me,’’ he said.

President laments ‘worrisome changes’

Buhari also expressed strong reservations on the ‘‘worrisome changes’’ made by the National Assembly to the 2022 Executive Budget proposal, according to a statement by the Senior Special Assistant to the President (Media & Publicity), Garba Shehu, on Friday.

National Assembly with a request for amendment as soon as the Assembly resumes to ensure that critical ongoing projects cardinal to this regime do not suffer a setback due to reduced funding.

The President recounted that during the presentation of the 2022 Appropriation Bill, he had stated that the fiscal year 2022 would be very crucial in his administration’s efforts to complete and put to use critical agenda projects, as well as improve the general living conditions of our people.

‘‘It is in this regard that I must express my reservations about many of the changes that the National Assembly has made to the 2022 Executive Budget proposal.

‘‘Some of the worrisome changes are as follows:

Increase in projected FGN Independent Revenue by N400 billion, the justification for which is yet to be provided to the Executive:

‘‘Reduction in the provision for Sinking Fund to Retire Maturing Bonds by N22 billion without any explanation;

‘‘Reduction of the provisions for the Non-Regular Allowances of the Nigerian Police Force and the Nigerian Navy by N15 billion and N5 billion respectively

‘‘This is particularly worrisome because personnel cost provisions are based on agencies’ nominal roll and approved salaries/allowances;

‘‘Furthermore, an increase of N21.72 billion in the Overhead budgets of some MDAs, while the sum of N1.96 billion was cut from the provision for some MDAs without apparent justification;

‘‘Increase in the provision for Capital spending (excluding Capital share in Statutory Transfer) by a net amount of N575.63 billion, from N4.89 trillion to N5.47 trillion.’’

President Buhari also expressed concern in the reductions in provisions for some critical projects, including N12.6 billion in the Ministry of Transport’s budget for the ongoing Rail Modernisation projects; N25.8 billion from Power Sector Reform Programme under the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning; N14.5 billion from several projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, and introducing over 1,500 new projects into the budgets of this Ministry and its agencies

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