ANAMBRA IS SINKING



Your Excellency, 

Sequel to your reelection bid, there were high hopes in Anambra State. Many Ndi-Anambra believed that your second tenure will be far better than your first tenure. 

Despite the antagonism from notable Anambrarians led by Gov. Peter Obi, preponderance number of Ndi-Anambra believed that, there was need to give you another opportunity to consolidate on the perceived "good works" you have started. Little, did we know that, "sorry" will be our lot.

Your  Excellency, Anambra State of today, is everything short of what it should be.
 Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, it may interest you to know that, I contributed in my own little way towards your campaign and electioneering. I produced and sponsored a scintillating jingle that was played in more than 10 radio stations across Anambra State. This you can confirm from my good friend; High Chief Rommy Ezeonwaka (Ogilisi Igbo), your Former Chief of Staff; Prof. Joe Asika and the Secretary to the State Government; Prof. Solo Chukwulobelu, and few  other stake holders in APGA family. 

My sole purpose of doing this was simply to identify myself with the dream and legacy of the eternal leader of Igbo Nation; Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (Ikemba Ezeigbogburugburu). Unfortunately this particular legacy of Nna anyi Ojukwu has been polarised, bastadized, mesmerized and privatized by Aguleri boys. 

Secondly, I wanted to support your reelection for I thought you will do greater things than before.

APGA and Anambra Government are now government of the Aguleri, by the Aguleri and for the Aguleri. This explains why mediocrity and ineptitude have become an integral part of your administration. 

Your Excellency, Anambra before your coming was moving in a jet speed with amazing accelerating templates. But today, Anambra is struggling to breath like the black man Lyod struggled to breathe in the hands of American Police. Please Your Excellency, don't allow APGA and Anambra to die in your hands. 

Your Excellency, permit me to inform you in case you have forgotten, that the worst mistake a leader must not make is surrounding himself with clueless sycophants whose only ambition is telling you what you want to hear (lies) and then fill their pockets with proceeds (crumbs) from your table. That is their only interest. 

Your Excellency, don't forget that it is only you and you alone who will bear the brunt of public outrage both now and after you have left office, which is fast approaching. 

Your Excellency, I come to you like a son and a true Nwa Anambra beckoning on you to reexamine the sincerity of hundreds of your praise singers, footsoldies, aides and allies hovering around you like vultures hover around vulnerable dead bodies. 
The lies of these college of sycophants are sinking Anambra. 

Your Excellency, may I humbly ask you your reasons for refusing to conduct Local Government elections?? Aren't you aware that, the transition Chairmen and Councillors you appointed are moribund, adamant and ineffective. 

Conduct LGA elections freely and fairly so that government will be closer to the people. 

Your Excellency, are you not aware that Anambra State was rated the best in road network before your coming?? Today, roads in Anambra State have become death traps. 
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, I am aware that your administration has signed memorandum of understanding with hundreds of known and unknown firms. Please Sir, can we see the positive effects and input of those memorandum you made us believe that you signed. 
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, you told us that Anambra State exports agricultural produce. Are we still exporting or has the international market rejected our made in Anambra goods???
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, what happened to the millions of job you promised to create for the teaming youths of Anambra through your plan to industrialize Anambra State?? Has this beautiful initiative of yours been overtaken by your second term election???
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, why is the Nnewi mall started by Your predecessor abandoned till date?? Don't you think that the completion of that mall will provide jobs for our young men and women??
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, what has happened to your promise to make education your first priority??? Let me inform you that the government owned Secondary Schools in Anambra are in shambles. 
For instance, The Community Secondary School in my town; Nimo, has less than 11 teachers attending to about One thousand Students. The road leading to the School is  currently not accessible. The structures are in a state of horrible decay. Is this what you want to be remembered for, Your Excellency??
Anambra is sinking!!!

What about the streets lights you installed; one of the few projects your administration will boast of?? Do you know that most of these lights have gone off for months and the streets of Anambra are gradually moving back to the dark days. Your Excellency Sir, Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, let me intimate you that, the activities of various categories of touts and extortionists who parade as government officials extorting money worth millions from traders, drivers and okada riders are becoming increasingly alarming. Are they actually your boys???
Anambra is sinking!!!

Your Excellency, permit me to ask; how many Anambra young students are under the State's scholarship?? After your eight years in office, how many young people from Anambra will emerge competing favourably among their peers across the world courtesy of Anambra State Government under your watch???

Your Excellency, what is the dept profile of Anambra State as at today?? Why is the debt profile of Anambra rising astronomically?? What are you doing with all these money you are borrowing?? What are the cost implications of servicing these debts??Which generation  of Anambra will pay back these loans???

Finally Your Excellency, do you think that your beautiful daughter; Dr. Gechi Obiano will be proud to come back from America to live and work in Anambra because her Father; the Governor has put Anambra State in the global plane of civilisation???

Your Excellency, if your answer to these questions is anything short of YES, then you have failed as our Governor. 

Your Excellency, the youths of Anambra want a State we will be proud of....we also want to be proud of you, after you might have left office. We want posterity to judge you favourably. 

Your Excellency, you still have the opportunity to prove yourself a good man that you are. 

I remain the sacred Oracle of the gods. 

©️Ikenga Prince Ezeimo.

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