In Narration: Corona Virus Treatment

In narration: Corona Virus Treatment

  Hydroxychloroquine - 200mg
  (Twice a Day - 5days)
   Azithromycin.             - 500mg
   (Once a Day - 5days)
   Zinc Sulphate.            - 220mg
   (Once a Day - 5days)
See Detailed Article Below:

Goodbye Corona Virus!!!
Hydroxychloroquine - 200mg twice a day for 5 days;
Azithromycin - 500mg once a day for 5 days;

Zinc sulfate - 220mg once a
day for 5 days.

Thank God
Thanks Dr Zev Zelenko
Thanks USA.

 Both drugs officially approved yesterday for use by the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

God is doing it, praise God for this new development in getting the cure for coronavirus. We can’t thank you enough

Doctor Stella Emmanuel has revealed the cure for the dreadful COVID-19.
In a speech she made infront of her medical team in Washington, she named three drugs as cure for the virus.

The drugs include with Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and Zithromax.

The renowned Doctor who hails from Nigeria said she has admitted the above-mentioned drugs on over 350 COVID-19 patients and all of them recovered.

She added that some of the patients had other medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and even aged people and all of them recovered.

According to Dr. Stella Emmanuel she can not sit and watch other medical practitioners lie while people die.

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Why I Conceded Defeat

Why I Conceded Defeat

I was fully informed about the manipulations, intrigues, intimidation and betrayals. The consequences of not conceding were only better imagined. My natural instinct for peace automatically surfaced. I was going to make a decision which reflected my commitment to that ideal. This is the foundation of my essence. In my periodic projections into the future, I did not see how I would be presiding over any kind of chaos. I was prepared to promote the peace, unity and progress of Nigeria.

  This is a huge sacrifice, but I hope my readers believe me when I say it turned out to be one of the easiest decisions I ever took while in office.

  With my mind made up, I knew it was time to inject peace into the tensed polity, especially before INEC completed collation.

  I was in my living room with some ministers, aides and friends. Among them were the Coordinating Minister for the Economy/Honourable Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mohammed Bello Adoke, SAN, the Honourable Minister of Aviation, Mr. Osita Chidoka and Waripamowei Dudafa, my Senior Special Assistant on Domestic Affairs..

 They were recommending sundry alternatives, but I was quiet in the midst of their discussion. I hugged my thoughts, figuring out how to do that which was best for the country. My personal interest was receding rapidly and the interest of Nigeria looming large. I excused myself and left the sitting room. I walked into my study. Even here, my mantra was a strong circle around me, supporting and comforting me. Let the country survive. Let democracy survive. My political ambition is not worth people being ‘soaked in blood’.

 More reports flowed in and I could not wait anymore. The announcement of the final result could take issues out of all our hands. It was time for me to take action and bring peace to the nation. I felt I was destined by God at that point in time to inject the peace serum and douse the palpable tension in the country.

 I reached for the telephone and placed a call through the State House operators at about 4:45 pm. A peace I had never felt since my political sojourn, descended on me. It showed me where I had been in the past 16 years and where I was then. I smiled at the thought of what I was about to do. I waited calmly for the person at the other end of my call to answer.

Buhari : Hello Your Excellency!

Me : Your Excellency, how are you?

Buhari: I am alright, Your Excellency

Me: Congratulations!

Buhari: Thank you very much Your Excellency …

 For several seconds the line was seized by the loudest silence I have ever known. Then we had a brief discussion. I could sense his relief too. He knew what could have been.

 Here is a man who had contested three times and lost. Maybe my gesture humbled him against his expectations because he thanked me and we talked about the handing over processes.

  Everywhere all over Africa, Asia and other parts of the world, countless deaths have been recorded on the scores of elections and power disputes. I mentioned Cote d’Ivoire earlier, where people died in their thousands during post election violence. A similar scenario had unfolded in Kenya. African nations are more prone to post election violence than other parts of the world.

  Only very few African nations have not experienced post election violence on a very grand scale or some bitter power tussle fed by tribal or ethnic sentiments.

“I hung up the phone, confident that my decision was right for Nigeria and would probably have a great impact on Africa. This may well be the beginning of a new perspective to power; a perspective which places national interest above personal preference. It should not always be about winning.

  After my conversation with Muhammadu Buhari, which lifted my spirit greatly, I felt better and lighter; it was time to break the news to my Ministers and aides. I wandered back into the living room. These are people I came to know after a period of time. I anticipated what their response would be.

  In my new found calm, I stood before them and told them what I had just done. The elections were over. I had called and congratulated Muhammadu Buhari on his victory. It was time for all of us to move on.
  Stunned silence greeted the room for some time and after they overcame their shock, they all congratulated me.

 My Aviation Minister, Osita Chidoka, sought my permission to tweet my phone conversation with Muhammadu Buhari. I obliged and he did. The country was no longer waiting for the declaration of the election results. The nationwide tension automatically dissipated as though a red hot piece of iron had been dipped in a bowl of water.’’ -

Dr Goodluck Jonathan, My Transition Hours



A man, who regularly attended meetings with his friends, suddenly without any notice stopped participating.
After a few weeks, one very cold night the leader of that group decided to visit him.
He found the man at home, alone, sitting in front of a fireplace where a bright and cozy fire burned. The man welcomed the leader. There was a great silence.
The two men only watched the dancing flames around the logs that crackled in the fireplace.
After a few minutes the leader, without saying a word, examined the embers that formed and selected one of them, glowing most brightly of all, removing it to the side with a pair of tongs. Then he sat down again.
The host was paying attention to everything, fascinated. Before long, the lone ember flame subsided, until there was only a momentary glow & the fire soon went out.
In a short time what was previously bright light and heat had become nothing more than a black & dead piece of coal.
Very few words had been spoken since the greeting.
Before preparing to leave, the leader with the tongs picked up the useless coal & placed it again in the middle of the fire. Immediately, the ember was rekindled, fueled by the light & heat of the burning coals around him.

When the leader reached the door to leave, the host said: Thank you for your visit and for your beautiful lesson. I'll return to the group soon.
Why is the group extinguished.....?
Very simple:
Because each member that withdraws takes fire & heat from the rest.
It's worth reminding group members that they are a part of the flame.
It's also good to remind us that we are all responsible for keeping each other's flame burning & we must promote the union among us so that the fire is really strong, effective and lasting.

It doesn't matter if sometimes we are bothered by so many messages that reach the chat. What matters is to be connected. We are here to meet, learn, exchange ideas or simply to know that we are not alone.
Let's keep the flame alive.
Life is beautiful with friends and family.



He said ....

1. Everyday before you go to bed, fix your uniform and hang it up on the wall opposite your bed. 

  When you get into bed look at that uniform and ask yourself.... What happens if I don't wear this uniform and try to enter any army installation..?

  The answer is far from being saluted! You will be stopped at the gate and questioned!

  And if another person wears this uniform and walks past the quarter guard he will get a salute. 

  So the salute was not for you it was for the uniform hanging on that wall which made you what you are but remember it's not going to be yours forever! It will go away one day...

So, prepare yourself for it!!!

2.  Every day when you finish work make every one leave your office.
Get up from your chair, walk across to the other side, sit down and look at your chair.

There were so many orders you passed today thinking they were very important...

But tomorrow someone else will sit on that same chair and may reverse all your orders rubbishing them!!!

The orders you passed thinking you were an important person was actually the chair which was passing them. And that chair is only temporary! It's not going to be yours forever! It just gave you some temporary powers which will be gone the moment you leave the chair.

Use the powers given to you judiciously. 
Use it to write your name in GOLD.

Use it to wipe away tears from the faces of the less privileged in our society. 

Use it for nation building and not with arrogance to prove your superiority!

 May I ask you....

What are you using your uniform or chair for today?

   Are you using them to bring people down and show them where power lies?

   Are you using them to help friends and cronies even when it is not their time and just because they salute you every morning?

   Are you using them to divide and rule and create enemies

  What are you using them for?

   Remember the person today you are using your uniform or chair to destroy may be the one that will tomorrow supervise your child, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, stepchild, your sister or brother. 

   How will you feel if same is repeated on all these people?

   Think, my brothers and sisters, think. For you do not know tomorrow.

   Use your uniform or chair to promote the betterment of all.

Be a father, mother, sister, brother, a friend to all. 
Be an honest judge.
Hear all sides of every story.

Fear your creator. 

 Hate none, love all. Remember, Tomorrow is unknown. 
Good morning. Share, because it might help someone.



July 21, 2020  Tonnison 

The General Overseer of Redeemed Christian Church of God,( RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye on Monday called on former Anambra State Governor, Mr Peter Obi to prepare to take over from president Mohammadu Buhari come 2023.

He made the called when members of CAN paid him a courtesy call at his residence in Lagos to discuss the issues affecting the country, church and the state of insecurity in Nigeria.

Daddy G.O as he is fondly called revealed that massive corruption is killing Nigeria gradually and must be stopped before it consumes everyone.

Having checked on the crop of politicians parading themselves as leaders, I found Mr. Peter Obi to be the most qualified to lead Nigeria to the promised land, therefore, I endorse him for president come 2023.

Pastor Adeboye who was involved in a Protest March recently against the killings of Christian before the lockdown call on the Federal executive to shorn tribal sentiment and work towards installing Mr. Obi as the next president of the federal republic of Nigeria.

  In the past, I have supported all the candidates that sort for my support, but today, I’m calling on all and sundry to rally round and support the emergence of Mr. Peter Obi of Anambra state ahead of the next general election”., he said.

  Let an honest Igbo Man with many years of wealth of experience lead Nigeria to the PROMISED LAND. 
Saying ”We have tarried here for too long, It’s time to crossover to the other side of the Jordan” he appealed.

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Never frown, Rejoice in the Lord alway:

Never frown 
 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4.

The apostle Paul found a key in Christ Jesus in the course of doing the work of Christ; the key is to remain in continuous joy in the Holy Spirit. What spurred him on was to apply this key daily in whatever circumstances he found himself in. When Jesus Christ appointed him He made it clear to Paul that he would suffer many things for His name's sake. The apostle was ready to do the work for Christ no matter what. To overcome every obstacle, Paul chose to rejoice evermore. This key has been committed to every Christian. It is our choice to use it, and failure to use it results in complaints, frowns, murmuring, sadness and even death. The devil's strategy is to take away our joy in Christ and we must not allow him. Any time he shows his wiles we should see it as an occasion to rejoice and we shall overcome. Let us choose to remain in the joy of the Lord which is our strength, amen. Share your thoughts here!
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Matt 3:2act17:30 

  Prayers point 

  Oh Lord my father have mercy on us and our country Nigeria in the name of Jesus Christ 

  lord, we pray today that love, unity family love will not cease in our minds in the name of Jesus Christ 

  we pray that as a individual none of us will miss God's kingdom, in the name of Jesus Christ 

  every decree of untimely death hovering over my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus Christ 

  I shall not die but live, the number of my days shall be fulfilled, in the name of Jesus Christ 

  I speak life into every organ in my body and command them not to malfunction, in the name of Jesus Christ 

  every arrow of untimely death fired at me in the dream, come out and go back to your senders, in the name of Jesus Christ 

Senator Ekwunife visits Zone 13 Police Command Headquarters Ukpo lauds Buhari, IGP, Obiano, Arthur Eze for their roles in the creation of zone 13.

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business  Senator Ekwunife visits Zone 13 Police Command Headquarters Ukpo
 lauds Buhari, IGP, Obiano, Arthur Eze for their roles in the creation of zone 13. 

The Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Senator Uche Ekwunife on Friday paid a courtesy visit to the Assistant Inspector General of Police in charge of the newly created Zone 13, Danmallam Muhammed at the Command Headquarters Ukpo in Dunukofia Local Government Area of Anambra State.

During the visit, the Senator described the establishment of the newly created zone as that which will improve the security of lives and properties in the State as well as other neighbouring States.

She lauded President Buhari, the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, the Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano and Engr Arthur Eze (Ozoigbondu) for the different roles they played in ensuring that the zone became a reality.

While assuring the newly created police command of the cooperation of the people of Anambra Central Senatorial District and Anambra State, the Senator urged the command to use their presence in the State to address the communal crises between Abagana/Ukpo/Abba and Achalla/Urum.

She further appealed to the command to ensure that human dignity and human rights are respected in the discharge of their duties. She emphasized that Anambra people are law abiding and very hospitable, and said she has no doubt that the AIG will enjoy his stay in Anambra State as long as he does his job professionally. 

In a special way, Senator Ekwunife appreciated Engr Arthur Eze whom she described as one of the major facilitators of the establishment of the police zonal command in the State for his uncommon philanthropy. She prayed for God's grace and favour upon him.

Reacting to the visit, AIG Danmallam Muhammed appreciated the Senator and her entourage for finding time to visit the zone. He noted that the command is willing to partner with all stakeholders within the zone to ensure adequate security of lives and properties.

Kingsley Ubani 
SA Media to Senator Uche Ekwunife

MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business MLM Gateway - Helping network marketers build their business

Obi At 59: Senator Ekwunife Extols the Former Governor of Anambra State

Obi At 59: Senator Ekwunife Extols the Former Governor of Anambra State

&nbsdescribes him as a man of financial prudence and a skilled administrator. 

The Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District, Senator Uche Ekwunife has extolled the former Governor of Anambra State and the Vice Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 general election, His Excellency, Mr Peter Obi on his 59th birthday anniversary.

Senator Ekwunife describes Obi as a man of financial prudence, good governance and a skilled administrator who governed Anambra State with conscience and the fear of God.

She relives the impeccable records the Former Governor set while he governed the State which positioned the State as one of the States with the best roads network in the country, health infrastructure, education and others. 

"His Excellency, Mr Peter Obi remains one of the priceless jewels of Anambra State and Nigeria who we must not fail to celebrate for his leadership acumen and good virtues. His era as the Executive Governor of Anambra State repositioned the State towards the path of economic growth and development."

Ekwunife notes that the Former PDP Vice Presidential Candidate since his exit as Anambra State Governor has continued to contribute meaningfully to national development through his many philanthropic interventions in schools, hospitals and religious organizations.

Senator Ekwunife appreciates the Former Governor for using his position as a highly respected leader of the Peoples Democratic Party to promote fairness, unity and cohesion amongst party members in the State and Nigeria in general. 

The Senator wishes HE Mr. Peter Obi a Happy Birthday Celebration and urges him to remain steadfast in his quest for national development, while praying God to grant him many more years in good health as he provides leadership and mentorship to many of his ardent followers, and continues to contribute his quota to nation building.


Kingsley Ubani 
SA Media to Senator Uche Ekwunife


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Lesson eight (8) Topic :Egypt Where Egypt came from

Lesson eight (8) 
Topic Egypt 

Where Egypt came from 

Who created Egypt
Which part of country Muslim came from 

And Which god's Egyptians serve 👹

The land of the Nile and the pyramids, the oldest kingdom of which we have any record, holds a place of great significance in Scripture.


The Egyptians belonged to the white race, and their original home is still a matter of dispute. Many scholars believe that it was in Southern Arabia, and recent excavations have shown that the valley of the Nile was originally inhabited by a low-class population, perhaps belonging to the Nigritian stock, before the Egyptians of history entered it. The ancient Egyptian language, of which the latest form is Coptic, is distantly connected with the Semitic family of speech.

The geography 

Egypt consists geographically of two halves, the northern being the Delta, and the southern Upper Egypt, between Cairo and the First Cataract. In the Old Testament, Northern or Lower Egypt is called Mazor, "the fortified land" (Isa. 19:6; 37: 25, where the A.V. mistranslates "defence" and "besieged places"); while Southern or Upper Egypt is Pathros, the Egyptian Pa-to-Res, or "the land of the south" (Isa. 11:11). But the whole country is generally mentioned under the dual name of Mizraim, "the two Mazors."

The realization 

The civilization of Egypt goes back to a very remote antiquity. The two kingdoms of the north and south were united by Menes, the founder of the first historical dynasty of kings. The first six dynasties constitute what is known as the Old Empire, which had its capital at Memphis, south of Cairo, called in the Old Testament Moph (Hos. 9:6) and Noph. The native name was Mennofer, "the good place."

The creator 

The Pyramids were tombs of the monarchs of the Old Empire, those of Gizeh being erected in the time of the Fourth Dynasty. After the fall of the Old Empire came a period of decline and obscurity. This was followed by the Middle Empire, the most powerful dynasty of which was the Twelfth. The Fayyum was rescued for agriculture by the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty; and two obelisks were erected in front of the temple of the sun-god at On or Heliopolis (near Cairo), one of which is still standing. The capital of the Middle Empire was Thebes, in Upper Egypt.

The rules 

The Middle Empire was overthrown by the invasion of the Hyksos, or shepherd princes from Asia, who ruled over Egypt, more especially in the north, for several centuries, and of whom there were three dynasties of kings. They had their capital at Zoan or Tanis (now San), in the north-eastern part of the Delta. It was in the time of the Hyksos that Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph entered Egypt. The Hyksos were finally expelled about B.C. 1600, by the hereditary princes of Thebes, who founded the Eighteenth Dynasty, and carried the war into Asia. Canaan and Syria were subdued, as well as Cyprus, and the boundaries of the Egyptian Empire were fixed at the Euphrates. The Soudan, which had been conquered by the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty, was again annexed to Egypt, and the eldest son of the Pharaoh took the title of "Prince of Cush."

One Direction 

One of the later kings of the dynasty, Amenophis IV., or Khu-n-Aten, endeavoured to supplant the ancient state religion of Egypt by a new faith derived from Asia, which was a sort of pantheistic monotheism, the one supreme god being adored under the image of the solar disk. The attempt led to religious and civil war, and the Pharaoh retreated from Thebes to Central Egypt, where he built a new capital, on the site of the present Tell-el-Amarna. The cuneiform tablets that have been found there represent his foreign correspondence (about B.C. 1400). He surrounded himself with officials and courtiers of Asiatic, and more especially Canaanitish, extraction; but the native party succeeded eventually in overthrowing the government, the capital of Khu-n-Aten was destroyed, and the foreigners were driven out of the country, those that remained being reduced to serfdom.

The national 

The national triumph was marked by the rise of the Nineteenth Dynasty, in the founder of which, Rameses I., we must see the "new king, who knew not Joseph." His grandson, Rameses II., reigned sixty-seven years (B.C. 1348-1281), and was an indefatigable builder. As Pithom, excavated by Dr. Naville in 1883, was one of the cities he built, he must have been the Pharaoh of the Oppression. The Pharaoh of the Exodus may have been one of his immediate successors, whose reigns were short. Under them Egypt lost its empire in Asia, and was itself attacked by barbarians from Libya and the north.

1.The Nineteenth Dynasty soon afterwards came to an end; Egypt was distracted by civil war; and for a short time a Canaanite, Arisu, ruled over it.

2. Then came the Twentieth Dynasty, the second Pharaoh of which, Rameses III., restored the power of his country. In one of his campaigns he overran the southern part of Palestine, where the Israelites had not yet settled. They must at the time have been still in the wilderness. But it was during the reign of Rameses III. that Egypt finally lost Gaza and the adjoining cities, which were seized by the Pulista, or Philistines.

3. After Rameses III., Egypt fell into decay. Solomon married the daughter of one of the last kings of the Twenty-first Dynasty, which was overthrown by Shishak I., the general of the Libyan mercenaries, who founded the Twenty-second Dynasty (1 Kings 11:40; 14:25, 26). A list of the places he captured in Palestine is engraved on the outside of the south wall of the temple of Karnak.

4. In the time of Hezekiah, Egypt was conquered by Ethiopians from the Soudan, who constituted the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. The third of them was Tirhakah (2 Kings 19:9). In B.C. 674 it was conquered by the Assyrians, who divided it into twenty satrapies, and Tirhakah was driven back to his ancestral dominions. Fourteen years later it successfully revolted under Psammetichus I. of Sais, the founder of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty. Among his successors were Necho (2 Kings 23:29) and Hophra, or Apries (Jer. 37:5, 7, 11). The dynasty came to an end in B.C. 525, when the country was subjugated by Cambyses. Soon afterwards it was organized into a Persian satrapy.

5. The title of Pharaoh, given to the Egyptian kings, is the Egyptian Per-aa, or "Great House," which may be compared to that of "Sublime Porte." It is found in very early Egyptian texts.

6. The Egyptian religion was a strange mixture of pantheism and animal worship, the gods being adored in the form of animals. While the educated classes resolved their manifold deities into manifestations of one omnipresent and omnipotent divine power, the lower classes regarded the animals as incarnations of the gods.

7. Under the Old Empire, Ptah, the Creator, the god of Memphis, was at the head of the Pantheon; afterwards Amon, the god of Thebes, took his place. Amon, like most of the other gods, was identified with Ra, the sun-god of Heliopolis.

8. The Egyptians believed in a resurrection and future life, as well as in a state of rewards and punishments dependent on our conduct in this world. The judge of the dead was Osiris, who had been slain by Set, the representative of evil, and afterwards restored to life. His death was avenged by his son Horus, whom the Egyptians invoked as their "Redeemer." Osiris and Horus, along with Isis, formed a trinity, who were regarded as representing the sun-god under different forms.

9. Even in the time of Abraham, Egypt was a flourishing and settled monarchy. Its oldest capital, within the historic period, was Memphis, the ruins of which may still be seen near the Pyramids and the Sphinx. When the Old Empire of Menes came to an end, the seat of empire was shifted to Thebes, some 300 miles farther up the Nile. A short time after that, the Delta was conquered by the Hyksos, or shepherd kings, who fixed their capital at Zoan, the Greek Tanis, now San, on the Tanic arm of the Nile. All this occurred before the time of the new king "which knew not Joseph" (Ex. 1:8). In later times Egypt was conquered by the Persians (B.C. 525), and by the Greeks under Alexander the Great (B.C. 332), after whom the Ptolemies ruled the country for three centuries. Subsequently it was for a time a province of the Roman Empire; and at last, in A.D. 1517, it fell into the hands of the Turks, of whose empire it still forms nominally a part. Abraham and Sarah went to Egypt in the time of the shepherd kings. The exile of Joseph and the migration of Jacob to "the land of Goshen" occurred about 200 years later. On the death of Solomon, Shishak, king of Egypt, invaded Palestine (1 Kings 14:25). He left a list of the cities he conquered.

10. A number of remarkable clay tablets, discovered at Tell-el-Amarna in Upper Egypt, are the most important historical records ever found in connection with the Bible. They most fully confirm the historical statements of the Book of Joshua, and prove the antiquity of civilization in Syria and Palestine. As the clay in different parts of Palestine differs, it has been found possible by the clay alone to decide where the tablets come from when the name of the writer is lost. The inscriptions are cuneiform, and in the Aramaic language, resembling Assyrian. The writers are Phoenicians, Amorites, and Philistines, but in no instance Hittites, though Hittites are mentioned. The tablets consist of official dispatches and letters, dating from B.C. 1480, addressed to the two Pharaohs, Amenophis III. and IV., the last of this dynasty, from the kings and governors of Phoenicia and Palestine. There occur the names of three kings killed by Joshua, Adoni-zedec, king of Jerusalem, Japhia, king of Lachish (Josh. 10:3), and Jabin, king of Hazor (11:1); also the Hebrews (Abiri) are said to have come from the desert.

11. The principal prophecies of Scripture regarding Egypt are these, Isa. 19; Jer. 43: 8-13; 44:30; 46; Ezek. 29-32; and it might be easily shown that they have all been remarkably fulfilled. For example, the singular disappearance of Noph (i.e., Memphis) is a fulfilment of Jer. 46:19, Ezek. 30:13.  
God bless you   keep learning we shall give you more by God grace 

Warning against marriage breakouts

 Warning against marriage breakouts

 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Mark 10:

The foolishness of God is always wiser than the wisdom of man. Hence, why separate what God has put together? Remember that whoever separates what God has put together has God to contend with. The scripture above speaks of marriage, the institution of God. Marriage is a sacred institution and only God has the ability to join a couple and to put it asunder. Let God be God and man be man. What do you think about this scripture, dear reader? Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Matt 3:2act17:30 
Prayers point 

   Oh Lord my father have mercy upon us and give us good leaders in this country Nigeria in the name of Jesus Christ 

  Let be perfect peace in my future wife and my marriage in the name of Jesus Christ 

  Let there be constant favorite in my marriage in the name of 

  My marriage shall not be shame, in the name of 

  My marriage  hear the voice of Christ let know one put asunder in the name of Jesus Christ 

  Good progress and peace unlimited love unlikeable  shall not cast in my marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ 

   A good healthy woman, beautiful, unartful  attitude, respect, comfortable  self control the fair of Good in every things as a wife shall located me, in the name of Jesus Christ 

  Every successful person has a painful story,
  Every successful person has a painful story, so never give up. A school bell that sounds as a disturbance at 8:am also sounds interesting at 2:pm... is just a matter of Don't envy anyone. Not everyone walking fast has an appointment.
  Some have running stomach!.
     If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew. Don't try to compare yourself to others. You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it. All animals that exist, were in Noah's ark. A snail is one of those animals. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah's ark; His door of grace won't close till you reach your expected position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up. Remember that Broken crayons still color_. Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal.
Be Positive Minded

Good morning everyone


The CBN yesterday released a new policy called GSI (Global Standing Instruction). The policy is a very welcome policy. Below,  i try to summarize the major points of the policy. 

1. It applies to all financial institutions in the country.

2. If you take a loan in any bank (say GTB)  and you refuse to pay back, we would look for any other bank(s) in the country (say Access bank, and Sterling bank) where you have accounts and there is money, we would take the money from those accounts and pay GTB back. 
E.g you take 30k Loan from GTB and you fail to pay back. You have 10k in your Access bank account, 15k in your Sterling bank joint account with your wife and 8k in your child's First bank account that you help her manage (because she is still a minor). We would sweep the 15k in your Sterling bank joint account with your wife, sweep the 10k in your Access Bank, and take 5k out of the 8k you have in your child's First Bank account. We would send them all to GTB. The remaining 3k in your child's First Bank account  would not be touched. That's a promise. 

3. Even if its a joint account that your BVN is found on,  money would be moved from there!  

4. If we find out that you have an account that we should have moved money from but you have done chua-chua to not put your bvn on that account, then your BVN would be watchlisted. My brother, that is a major gbege!  You are finished!

5. Only principal and interest would be swept from your other accounts. Penalty charges would  not be included. CBN don try for us o. 

6. If a bank wrongfully activates GSI on you (you have not defaulted on your loan and they go make the system sweep from your other accounts) , the bank would pay a fine of 500k sharparly. No begging. 

7. If you complain about a wrongful activation of GSI on your accounts, and the bank claims you are wrong, you then decide to request for arbitration. If the arbiter rules that you are correct, then the bank pays a fine of 10M. No story! 

The GSI becomes effective from August 1st 2020.

This helps the system to fight serial loan defaulters and allows banks to more readily give out loans. As a matter of fact, a bank can now choose to give you a loan without you previously having an account with the bank. 

It's a new dawn in our country. 

 Otunba Fed



Recently I met a famous allopathy doctor on account of a medical article. He is in his 70's and an ENT specialist. It was astonishing to listen to one of his experiences which he shared. 
That morning one day he had a problem on waking up. He had an urge to pass urine but for some reason he was unable to do so. At an advanced age some people face such a problem some times and if they try two or three times they may succeed. He tried repeatedly but nothing happened. His continuous efforts didn’t bear any result. Then he realised there is a problem. Although he is a doctor he is no exception to such physical problems as he is also made of flesh and blood like everyone else. Now his lower abdomen became heavy and he was unable to sit or stand and was suffering from the pressure buildup. Immediately he called up a known urologist on the phone and explained his situation. The Urologist replied “I am at present in a hospital in the outskirts and I will be at a clinic in your area in one and a half hours. Will you be able to withstand it for that long?” He replied “I will try”. 
At that instant he received an incoming call from another allopathy doctor, a childhood friend. With great difficulty the old doctor explained the situation to his friend.  
His friend replied “Oh, your bladder is full and you are unable to pass urine. Don’t worry, do as I suggest and you will be able to overcome it”. 
And he gave the instruction: “Stand up and jump vigorously … while jumping lift both your hands as though you are plucking mangoes from a tree. Do that 15 to 20 times”. 
With a full bladder he wants me to jump? 
Though a little sceptical the old doctor tried it. What a relief to him when within 5 to 6 jumps urine started passing. He felt overjoyed and thankful to his childhood friend for solving the issue with such a simple method which otherwise would have required an admission to a hospital where they would have inserted a catheter inside the bladder, injections, anti-biotics etc etc etc resulting in a bill over thousands of Ringgit in addition to physical and mental stress for him and his near and dear ones.

Sharing this for the benefit of


The lecturer who insists on sex for a young girl to pass is complaining about the rot in Nigeria.

The pastor who pays his driver 20k in Lagos or PH while his own son schools in the US is complaining about the hopelessness in Nigeria.

The trader who removes 2 bowls of rice from the bag, rebags and sells as a 'full' bag is complaining about the wickedness in Nigeria.

The civil servant who comes to work once a week and shows up end of month to receive alert is complaining about politicians who do nothing.

The student who spends the weekend partying only to start posting Instagram pictures on Monday is complaining that Nigeria is stealing his/her dreams.

The motor owner who can't join a simple queue but keeps darting in and out of traffic to shunt is complaining about disorderliness in Nigeria.

Doctors in public and teaching hospitals on government payroll who abandon patients on the floor but are thriving in their private hospitals are complaining that Nigeria is hopeless. 

Until we realize that the value of Nigeria today is the average of our own individual values, we will keep fooling ourselves.

We are all architect of our economic development woes. Stop the blame game. Our attitudes and unpatriotic behaviour should stop. Be a good person today. 

Lets make Nigeria a great nation Again.

I'll prioritize ICT revolution in Education, ensure LG Autonomy - Senator Ekwunife

I'll prioritize ICT revolution in Education, ensure LG Autonomy - Senator Ekwunife

The Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District and a frontline Governorship Aspirant for the 2021 Anambra Governorship Election under the platform of the People's Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Uche Ekwunife has stated her commitment to ensure the autonomy of local governments and prioritization of ICT revolution in Education if elected as Governor.

She said this earlier today, Saturday during a virtual meeting with a group under the auspices of Academic Frontiers Initiative.

Interacting with the group which is made up of some lecturers and researchers of higher institutions within the State, the Anambra Governorship hopeful while stating her reasons for declaring interest for the Anambra 2021 guber election noted that her understanding of the developmental challenges of the State coupled with her experience in legislative governance as well as her records in public service put her in a better position to deliver the much needed development to the State.

Reacting to series of questions from some of the State's academic elites, the Senator noted that Education and Human Capital Development remain the heart of societal development.

According to Ekwunife, prioritizing Education means making adequate budgetary allocations for this "highly important" sector, facilitating training and retraining of teachers, providing necessary infrastructure and ensuring strict supervision and implementation of standard and practices.

She noted that the impact of Covid-19 pandemic has called for a more innovative approach in Education. According to her, online learning and use of virtual platforms have become a huge necessity which must receive necessary attention and legal backing.

Speaking on local government autonomy, the Senator noted that she has been a strong advocate of financial and administrative autonomy of local governments and that she currently has a bill in the Senate seeking to amend the constitution to enshrine the autonomy of local government councils in Nigeria.

"My government will ensure the conduct of local government elections, so that this important tier of government will be better positioned to impact positively on the development of the state.", She said.

The Senator also spoke on the need to expand the Awka Capital City. According to her, Awka is yet to wear the look of a capital city due to lack of proper infrastructure and adequate expansion.

"I've lived in Awka for over 20 years and I'm sorry to say that not much have changed over the years. It's unfortunate that many parts of Awka South local government which houses the capital city is still underdeveloped", She said.

"Awka has a master plan which has been abandoned by successive governments. We need to go back to the plan, expand it, incorporate some border areas into the capital city plan, move some government agencies towards these new areas and facilitate new projects to expand the capital city as well as give it a befitting new look.", She added.

Concluding, Senator Ekwunife highlighted gender inclusiveness and deepening of the State's road network as part of her plans if elected to govern the State. She appreciated the group for hosting her and restated her determination to deliver meaningful development to the State. She further stated that she will be fair and just in governance. 

Kingsley Ubani 
SA Media to Senator Uche Ekwunife



Written By: Chike Ofozoba  

The bane of Nigerian nation is unpreparedness of the leaders who were thrown up by circumstances beyond their control and suddenly found themselves in positions of Authority. 
Following the independence election, it took the political machinery of Northern Peoples Congress under Alhaji Ahmadu Bello to displace the only party then with national outlook and appeal, National Council Of Nigerian Citizens under the leadership of the great politician and Scholar- Rt Hon. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe.                                                                                                                                              A relatively unknown Alhaji Tafawa Balewa, the then deputy leader of NPC was invited to form the government and Nigeria lost great opportunity to be led by the great reformer- Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe.
In the Second Republic, Alhaji Shehu Shagari (a grade 11 teacher) was comfortable with contesting for the senate before he was enthroned by the Kaduna mafia with an erudite architect Dr Alex Ekwueme- a man of many degrees as the vice-president.
In the military censored third republic,  General Ibrahim Babangida(IBB) regime banned the array of politicians like Late Gen. Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, Mallam Adamu Ciroma, Alhaji Maitama Sule and others who have been on the mentoring process since the first republic and understood the complexities and intricacies of the country called Nigeria and in that action, IBB denied Nigeria of experience and wherewithal in leadership, an action that threw up the late business mogul, Chief Moshood Kashimowo Abiola who also came prepared, won the election but had his victory annulled by the military.
In the 4th republic, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was only interested in rehabilitating himself after a stay in Abacha gulag and going back to his farm when the powerful retired Military Generals led by the duo of Generals Ibrahim Babangida and TY Danjuma Foisted him on Nigeria. Your memory will be better refreshed by that loud and loquacious statement of Gen T.Y Danjuma who at the venue of the fund raising for Chief Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential campaign threatened to proceed on exile if Chief Obasanjo fails to win the election- a boast that only confirmed and reinforced the resolve of the Generals to enthrone Obasanjo at all cost. 
The palpable ill-health of Alhaji Umaru Yar’adua as the Katsina Governor was known to the nation and the gentleman decided to retire back to the quiet life of a lecturer before he was propped up by Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to succeed him in the fifth republic.
As for Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the relatively unknown local government Inspector who was brought to political limelight by Late DSP Alamieseigha as the Deputy-Governor and through the grace of providence replaced his boss as the Governor of Bayelsa state, a providence that threw him up as the nation’s Vice-President and later President after the sudden demise of his boss
The unprepared leadership cum lack of vision has remained the bane of governance in Nigeria with under-development, escalating poverty, poor Infrastructural development, Epileptic power supply and all kinds of social vices as manifesting results.
It took the vision of Dr Kwame Nkrumah to build the foundation on which the prosperity of Ghana is standing today.
In Singapore, a country in the hinterland and with no natural resources. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew stood to be counted when his visionary leadership made Singapore the second highest GDP per capita in the world and ranked 9th in the United Nations Human Development Index.
In Malaysia, the vision and exemplary leadership of one man- Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammed was all that was needed in making the country of Malaysia an economic giant it is today and in Botswana, the visionary leadership of Mr. Festus Mogae has put that little country in the pedestal as one of the rising giants from Africa. No wonder, the great writer and the eagle on the tallest Iroko tree (apology to Association of Nigerian Authors) made it clear in his famous treatise “THE TROUBLE WITH NIGERIA” where he loudly opined that the trouble with Nigeria is the failure of leadership because with good leaders Nigeria could resolve its inherent problems such as tribalism, lack of patriotism, social injustice, the cult of mediocrity, indiscipline and corruption. Nigeria has not gotten it better in the past neither has it gotten it better in the present because of endemic leadership lacuna rooted in lack of vision of our political class.
Considering the leadership trajectory and style of Senator Uche Ekwunife, there is no doubt that she will do well in governing a complex state like Anambra. The 2021 Governorship election will be campaigned on issues rather than the zone one comes from.
With equity having been achieved when Dr Chukwuemeka Ezeife and Dr Chinwoke Mbadinuju from Anambra South held sway from 1992-1993 and 1999-2003 respectively.
From Anambra Central, Dr Chris Nwabueze Ngige and Mr Peter Obi called the shot from 2003-2014 while Chief Willie Obiano from Anambra North is dictating the tune from 2014 till now and up to 2021.
Time has come for ndi Anambra to open up their leadership to the best brains from Anambra instead of limiting it to zonal interests which breeds nothing but mediocrity.

In my difficult and Painstaking try to sustain the present clamour for a shift to the South, Senator Uche Ekwunife with the blood of Anambra South in her by virtue of parentage, married to Anambra Central with a strong political handshake across Anambra North serves as the only bridge among all the divides and in consideration of her achievements as a corporate czar, a former member of House of Representative and a Senator so there is no higher call again than the call for Governorship.
Successful Governorship campaigns require three basic things. First, people have to be able to look at you and imagine you as Governor, then it’s a battle of ideas, messages and issues. After that, you ought to have enough money and support to become known. Senator Uche Ekwunife satisfies the first two criteria and believed that with her support base comprising of low and mighty of the society, rich and poor of the Nigerian nation, the bourgeoisie and proletariats of the economy, money will definitely not be a problem.
The answer to this call for a higher service will be an appreciation to Anambrarians for giving Senator Uche Ekwunife the opportunity to step beyond a life and a job, to make commitment to larger causes which are: Preserving the Anambra dream, restoring the hope of the downtrodden, reclaiming the future for our children, giving new life to the Anambra project by forming a new convenant with ndi Anambra(People of Anambra State), more opportunity for all, more responsibility from everyone and a greater sense of common purpose. 
Character is an important issue in any election and Nigerian people have been making character judgement about their politicians for more than fifty years and in the 2021 Governorship election of Anambra State, the character issues will be: Who really cares about the welfare of ndi Anambra? 
Who is really trying to say what he or she will do specifically if elected Governor? 
Who has a demostratable record of doing what they talked about and who is determined to change your life rather than enjoy the grandeur of power?.
The four questions above has nothing but only one answer- Senator Uche Ekwunife!, Senator Uche Ekwunife!!, Senator Uche Ekwunife!!!, Senator Uche Ekwunife!!!!
 The opportunity has offered itself once again to the state that prides itself as the light of the nation to score another first after scoring first as the first state that produced the first indigenous Governor General of an independent Nigeria(Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe), first President of Federal Republic Of Nigeria(Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe), the first Senate President(Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe), the first Speaker of the House Of Representatives(Chief Edwin Ume-Ezeoke), first executive Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria(Chief Alex Ekwueme), the first black Secretary General of the Common Wealth(Chief Emeka Anyaoku), first indigenous Vice-Chancellor in a Nigerian University(Prof. Kenneth Dike), first Nigerian sculptor(Mr. Ben Enwonwu), first professor of Mathematics(Prof. Chike Obi), first Nigerian Millionaire and first President of Nigerian stock exchange(Sir Louis Odumegwu Ojukwu), first African celebrated writer(Prof. Chinua Achebe), first African to be made a District Officer(Chief Jerome Udoji), first black African Phd holder in Radio Astronomy(Prof. Samuel Okoye), first Nigerian priest to be canonized(Fr. Cyprian Iwene Tansi), first President of Nigerian Railways Cooperation(Dr. Okechukwu Ikejiani) and many other firsts. Anambra is a land of many firsts as succinctly captured by Chief Emeka Okonkwo, the coordinator of Anambra @ 25 when he said “Our dear state, Anambra is the land of several firsts in different fields and its people have contributed in many ways in shaping the history of Nigeria. One of the greatest problems we have is that the history of Anambra and the numerous great exploits of our people are not well documented for people, especially the future generation to appreciate.”
Without sounding immodest, it is said that the wisdom of an Igbo man starts in Anambra State and there will be no first if the first did not firstly start in Anambra State. While I don’t intend to cast aspersions on other states with these loud and loquacious statement of mine but my focus is to let the world know and celebrate the state’s rich history and cultural heritage, enterprising spirit and exploits of its people. There is no better time than in the year 2021 for Anambra State to add another first to their firsts by producing the first elected female Governor in Nigeria, with that, Senator Uche Ekwunife will not only inspire possibilities in Nigerian women but will break that glass ceiling that has debarred people like Chief(Mrs) Joy Emordi(Anambra), Chief (Mrs) Kema Chikwe(Imo), Mrs Paullen Tallen(Plateau), Alhaja Jumai Hassan(Taraba) and others who have strutted without success in this male dominated environment to be at the helm of their state government houses. Apparently, Senator Uche Ekwunife emergence as the next Governor of Anambra State will open the door for more female Governors in Nigeria, limit the gap in gender imbalances in our society and broaden the democratic, gender-equality credentials of our dear State-Anambra. With the stated considerations, the beckon for this higher call can only become louder and can never be dwarfed. 

Chike Ofozoba is a card carrying member of PDP Nri ward 2, a writer, an entrepreneur, activist and public affairs analyst and can be reached on 07035798369(Calls/whatsapp)

Wike replies Uzodinma, says "Edo boys are waiting for you,

Wike replies Uzodinma, says Edo boys are waiting for you, make sure you cover your face with mask while coming"

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has replied Gov. Hope Uzodinma of Imo State over his recent speech where he boasted that the All Progressive Party (APC) led government will teach the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and Gov Nyesom Wike on how to do a transparent election in the forthcoming Edo State gubernatorial election. 

Uzodinma had earlier boasted to Gov Wike that Nigerians trusted the APC party because of their transparency in running the affairs of the country and the people of Edo are committed in voting for Pastor Ize Iyamu of the APC. 

However, Gov Wike in reiteration responded to Hope Uzodinma that when Governors are talking, someone who came 4th in an election and was fraudulently made a Governor overnight shouldn't talk. 

According to him, "If I am Hope Uzodinma, i will not come out where people will see me, I will be hiding myself and be walking mostly in the night, where people will not see me, honestly. But it's unfortunate he has no shame at all. 

 When governors are talking, Hope Uzodinma shouldn't talk because he is an internationally recognized fraudster who stole a mandate that does not belong to him through the help of his APC cabals and tomorrow if democratically elected governors are talking, someone declared governor through the back door will come out and talk too. 

"He is bragging of showing me and the PDP how to do a transparent election in the forthcoming Edo governorship election. Let me remind him that Edo boys are waiting for him. He should not forget to wear a mask that will cover the whole of his face because anywhere they see him near Edo State, they will show him how to deal with a fraudster and a 419ner. 

"Both him and Ganduje of Kano the Babariga dollar governor should not forget to wear face masks that will cover their faces because Edo boys will show the world the difference between a democratically elected governor Godwin Obaseki and unelected supreme court governor Hope Uzodinma and a governor who collects bribe and hide it in his Babariga pocket, that is why anywhere you see him, he only wears Babariga in case if there's any ill gotten dollar to share " he said.

Federal Character Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi visits FCC Awka Office:

Federal Character Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi visits FCC Awka Office:

Seeks Support and cooperation of the Commission's Staff to actualise the vision and Mission of the Commission.

Gets Royal Support from His Royal Majesty, Igwe Afred Achebe, Obi of Onitsha.

 July 10, 2020

The Federal Character Commissioner representing Anambra state, Rev. Uche Ibeabuchi, on Friday 10th July visited the Anambra state office of the Federal Character Commission. The commissioner was received by staff of the Commission.

In His Opening Remark, The Federal Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi said his gratitude goes to God Almighty for His mercies, to Mr. President for finding me worthy of this appointment and to Chief Dr George Moghalu. I am also deeply humbled by the overwhelming show of solidarity, messages and prayers from members of this highly esteemed body and I can only reciprocate by praying for God’s abundant grace to provide us all with the needed knowledge and insight that will enable us deliver on our individual and collective mandates. 
He said he is using this medium to seek their continued cooperation, collaboration and camaraderie so that we can together elevate the Federal Character Commission to meet the core values, visions and objectives of the Commission. He thanked the Staff of the Commission in the State for their commitment and assured them of cordial relationship in order to achieve the vision, missions, aims and objectives of the Federal Character Commission. He seek their Support and cooperation so that his tenure will be a successful one.

Rev Ibeabuchi reminded the Staff of the commission that in order to live up to expectations of the Commission and Mr President, President Muhammadu Buhari, we should all strive to proactively: a. uphold the core values, ethos, code of ethics, rules, regulating and other control mechanisms of the Federal Character Commission including stewardship, trust, engagement, professionalism, meritocracy, transparency, anonymity, integrity, discipline, impartiality, political neutrality, patriotism and accountability; b. motivate each other for high level of productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and prudence through capacity building, mentoring, health and safe working environment, welfare programmes and exemplary leadership and training and re-training of Staffs.

During the meeting, they discussed the Challenges facing the Commission, which The Federal Commissioner for the State assured them they will be tackled head on. The staff of the Commission pledged to work with Rev Ibeabuchi to improve on their responsibility to the nation.

Rev Ibeabuchi paid a courtesy call to the Obi of Onitsha, His Royal Majesty, Igwe Alfred Achebe CFR, at His Ime Obi Palace to seek his Royal Blessings and fatherly Suppoort. The Obi of Onitsha was happy to receive him at his Palace. He blessed the Honorable Commissioner and encouraged him to remain resilient and focused. Igwe Achebe pledged to support the Commissioner in any way possible to facilitate the discharge of his duties, especially, when the interest of Ndi Anambra and Nigeria at large is protected.

Hon Uche Ibeabuchi thanked the Traditional Ruler for the kind words of encouragement, and promised to work with all stakeholders in the State to the best of interest Nigeria and Nigerians.

The Honourable Commissioner was accompanied by Hon Edward Ibuzo, House of Assembly Member, representing the good people of Onitsha North 2, Dr Ejike Oguegbunam, Mr Matthew Okwuegbu, Hon  Paul Ogudo, Senior Directors in the Commission and many others.

Federal Character Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi visits FCC Awka Office:

Federal Character Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi visits FCC Awka Office:

    Seeks Support and cooperation of the Commission's Staff to actualise the vision and Mission of the Commission.

   Gets Royal Support from His Royal Majesty, Igwe Afred Achebe, Obi of Onitsha.

 July 10, 2020

The Federal Character Commissioner representing Anambra state, Rev. Uche Ibeabuchi, on Friday 10th July visited the Anambra state office of the Federal Character Commission. The commissioner was received by staff of the Commission.

In His Opening Remark, The Federal Commissioner, Rev Uche Ibeabuchi said his gratitude goes to God Almighty for His mercies, to Mr. President for finding me worthy of this appointment and to Chief Dr George Moghalu. I am also deeply humbled by the overwhelming show of solidarity, messages and prayers from members of this highly esteemed body and I can only reciprocate by praying for God’s abundant grace to provide us all with the needed knowledge and insight that will enable us deliver on our individual and collective mandates. 
He said he is using this medium to seek their continued cooperation, collaboration and camaraderie so that we can together elevate the Federal Character Commission to meet the core values, visions and objectives of the Commission. He thanked the Staff of the Commission in the State for their commitment and assured them of cordial relationship in order to achieve the vision, missions, aims and objectives of the Federal Character Commission. He seek their Support and cooperation so that his tenure will be a successful one.

Rev Ibeabuchi reminded the Staff of the commission that in order to live up to expectations of the Commission and Mr President, President Muhammadu Buhari, we should all strive to proactively: a. uphold the core values, ethos, code of ethics, rules, regulating and other control mechanisms of the Federal Character Commission including stewardship, trust, engagement, professionalism, meritocracy, transparency, anonymity, integrity, discipline, impartiality, political neutrality, patriotism and accountability; b. motivate each other for high level of productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and prudence through capacity building, mentoring, health and safe working environment, welfare programmes and exemplary leadership and training and re-training of Staffs.

During the meeting, they discussed the Challenges facing the Commission, which The Federal Commissioner for the State assured them they will be tackled head on. The staff of the Commission pledged to work with Rev Ibeabuchi to improve on their responsibility to the nation.

Rev Ibeabuchi paid a courtesy call to the Obi of Onitsha, His Royal Majesty, Igwe Alfred Achebe CFR, at His Ime Obi Palace to seek his Royal Blessings and fatherly Suppoort. The Obi of Onitsha was happy to receive him at his Palace. He blessed the Honorable Commissioner and encouraged him to remain resilient and focused. Igwe Achebe pledged to support the Commissioner in any way possible to facilitate the discharge of his duties, especially, when the interest of Ndi Anambra and Nigeria at large is protected.

Hon Uche Ibeabuchi thanked the Traditional Ruler for the kind words of encouragement, and promised to work with all stakeholders in the State to the best of interest Nigeria and Nigerians.

The Honourable Commissioner was accompanied by Hon Edward Ibuzo, House of Assembly Member, representing the good people of Onitsha North 2, Dr Ejike Oguegbunam, Mr Matthew Okwuegbu, Hon  Paul Ogudo, Senior Directors in the Commission and many others.

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