May 29: Why It’ll Be Difficult to Remove Tinubu, if He Is Sworn In, Bode George Speaks


Goodluck Jonathan

 May 29: Why It’ll Be Difficult to Remove Tinubu, if He Is Sworn In, Bode George Speaks

PDP chieftain, Chief Olabode George has revealed his opinion regarding the swearing-in ceremony of the president-elect, Bola Tinubu

Ahead of the May 29 event, George noted that if Tinubu is sworn in, it will be difficult to remove him, adding there are issues the court needs to sort out

The PDP stalwart further said he has no personal issues with Tinubu but the APC flagbearer did not win Abuja and there should be no inauguration

The former deputy national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olabode George, has revealed the real reason why Monday, May 29 is not sacrosanct for the inauguration of a new government.

In an interview with the Nigerian Guardian, Bode George spoke extensively on why the president-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s inauguration should be stopped.

The PDP chieftain maintained that there are court issues that needed to be settled before the Tinubu should be sworn in, but unit the technical issues are settled at the court, Tinubu should not be sworn in.

Speaking further, Geroge maintained that the president-elect did not fulfill all requirements needed to win the election.

win Abuja and

He said:

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"Is it the same scenario that played out in 2003 that we have now? Was the contention like this? Was the 25 per cent an issue? Didn’t Obasanjo have the national spread and 25 percent in Abuja? Does Tinubu have 25 per cent in Abuja? Those are the technical issues that we are asking the Supreme Court to sort out. He (Tinubu) didn’t win Abuja. There should be no inauguration. The Constitution did not say fixatedly that it has to be May 29. If there are issues, then they should be sorted. It’s not a matter of having an interim government. It means President Buhari cannot head out. He should remain until the matter is settled."

You are a known critic of the President-elect, is that why you are clamouring that he shouldn’t be sworn-in on May 29 until the tribunal gives its verdict?

I come from a family that came from Herbert Macaulay root. He fought the British. He was the first Nigerian to establish a political party in 1922. Till he died, he was fighting and wooing Nigerians that we can manage our resources ourselves, that we don’t need the British. He was from a privileged family. Several times, the British punished him, but he remained truthful to power. That is my background. As a Christian, vengeance is the Almighty’s, not mine. Yes, he (Tinubu) offended me. He did something that was unjust, uncouth, and unreasonable to my person and he and his cohorts thought they had cocooned me. There were some people that I worked closely with, fiercely defending them, who were part of the conspiracies. But the beauty of God is that if he needs you, he will select you. If you go through that channel, and you still trust him, you’re going to come out on the highway of triumph.

For him (Tinubu), he did me a lot of evil. Initially, I was angry because I didn’t do anything to him. We can disagree without being disagreeable, and that is what is called democracy. The fact that you have a different opinion from me doesn’t make us enemies. They congregated and brought out charges that made no sense. They alleged that we split contract. I was a part time chairman of Nigeria Port Authority (NPA). If they don’t bring memos, I don’t take decisions. I wasn’t the day-to-day manager of the place. Yet, we were sentenced to prison, I went there and it was a lesson for me. I have stayed in the bedroom of the President of this country and I have also been to the bottom of the valley, sleeping in the cell in prison. The first one week, I was ravaging, that was the military me, asking what was my offence? What sin did we commit?

They’re still alive but see the powers of God, all those who perpetrated the evil, God is already descending on them. The lesson I learnt was, you can only trust one being and that is God Almighty.

FG releases official programme of events for Tinubu's inauguration

Meanwhile, the federal government of Nigeria has released the order of programme for the forthcoming presidential inauguration ceremony slated for Monday, May 29.

This development was confirmed on the official Twitter handle of the Federal Ministry of Information and Culture on Thursday, May 18.

As contained in the order of program released by the ministry, the inauguration programme kicks off with a world press conference which is currently being held in Abuja, the nation's capital.

May 29: APC stalwarts lobby Bode George ahead of Tinubu's inauguration

An emerging report has confirmed that some influential stalwarts of the Lagos state chapter of the All Progressive Congress (APC) are currently in a closed-door meeting with the former Deputy National Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olabode George.

Some APC members in a meeting with Chief George include Prince Tajudeen Olusi, chairman of the Lagos state APC Governance Advisory Council (GAC), and Mrs Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, the former Deputy Governor of Lagos State.

Chief George has been a long-term rival of the president-elect Bola Tinubu who vowed to relocate to Ghana if the former Lagos state governor emerges victorious at the just-concluded 2023 presidential polls.


A Woman Will Test You In These 10 Areas To See How Mature You Are


A Woman Will Test You In These 10 Areas To See How Mature You Are

It’s no secret that women are attracted to men who are mature and responsible. As a man, you might think that your age alone is enough to prove your maturity to a woman, but that’s not always the case. Women in Nigeria, like women everywhere, have a keen eye for certain traits that indicate whether a man is truly mature or not. Here are 10 areas in which a woman might test you to see how mature you are:….CONTINUE READING

1. Responsibility: How responsible are you with your time, money, and obligations? Do you follow through on your commitments?

2. Emotional intelligence: Can you handle your emotions in a mature and constructive way, or do you lash out and act impulsively?

3. Communication: How well do you communicate with others? Can you express your thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully?

4. Respect: Do you treat others with respect, regardless of their gender, age, or social status?

5. Self-control: Can you resist temptation and delay gratification, or do you give in to your impulses and desires?

6. Independence: Are you self-sufficient and able to take care of yourself, or do you rely too heavily on others?

7. Goal-setting: Do you have a clear vision for your future and set goals to achieve it, or do you drift through life without direction?

8. Accountability: Do you take responsibility for your actions, or do you blame others for your mistakes?

9. Empathy: Are you able to understand and relate to others’ feelings and perspectives, or do you only focus on your own needs?

10. Integrity: Do you act with honesty and integrity, even when no one is watching?

If you want to prove your maturity to a woman in Nigeria, these are the areas you should focus on. By demonstrating responsibility, emotional intelligence, communication skills, respect, self-control, independence, goal-setting, accountability, empathy, and integrity, you can show that you are a truly mature man who is worthy of her attention and affection….CONTINUE READING

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